
We took a moment to chat with model, entrepreneur and mental health advocate,
Kourtney Reppert. We wanted to catch up on what she has been up to and how she stays fit.

ATHLEISURE MAG: Tell us about your background and how you got into modeling?

KOURTNEY REPPERT: I was destined to be in the spotlight some way or some how. My three older sisters used to dress me and play beauty parlor w/ hair and makeup. After I was “Barbie’d up,” they’d give me a hairbrush to sing into like a microphone and I’d perform full fledge concerts for my family. Though I lived for the glam squad fun and art of performance, my true love was playing sports and being outdoors. In school I was voted “The Next Miss America” and was eventually scouted on college campus from a modeling/acting agency. This is where my calling just took off. I began sitting for various photo shoots and fell into modeling naturally. Since then, I never looked back. Gaining initial recognition for my looks and talent, it was exciting to combined athleticism and modeling together and show the world true girl power. In fact, I was named Philly’s Hottest Blonde and Sports babe! Funny right? I make a conscious effort to sustain a healthy lifestyle and career balance now since becoming the greatest role of my life…mom:) Every day I empower my son, even though a young age still, to work hard, never stop believing in himself and what he can do, and to never stop doing what you love. I believe dreams really do come true!

AM: When did you realize that due to your model portfolio that you wanted to be involved in Tropic Beauty?

KR: Tropic Beauty is all about being the best version of yourself through physical appearance with the synergetic intentions of your heart. Tropic beauty is so important to me because it’s a great way to connect so many like minded women, who are able to create a platform and build a name for themselves. I see a lot of young, beautiful women and it’s a great way for me to connect, teach and mentor what I’ve learned and how I’ve been able to brand myself through social media. 

AM: When did Tropic Beauty launch and what is the goal of this business?

KR: The Tropic Beauty competition launched eight years ago. It’s creator was working with Hawaiian Tropic up until the company was sold. This experience inspired her to create her own brand, being Topic Beauty.  I loved my position so much there as the director and social media mentor for these women! The owner and I have stayed in touch over the years and in fact, I even competed back in 2010. Amy watched what I’ve done for myself and my brand and wanted to bring that on for her own Tropic Beauty competition, too.  It’s a true honor to be able to work with likeminded women, especially those with a clear vision for their future and self-branding dreams.

AM: What is the Kourtney Reppert Foundation and your reason behind creating it?

KR: My foundation is probably the biggest, if not most important thing in my career. I’ve been through a lot in my life and those experiences have helped make my voice stand up for others, provide hope and share a platform that embraces a journey carrying facets similar to so many. It allows my story to help coach others and encourage them to find the strength from within. My low points in life have counted more than most will have to experience in their lifetime.

I look at my foundation as a way to bring real changes to how society works, help so many women and children in need, and bring awareness to environmental issues as well. A lot of times people are afraid to ask hardworking people for help and even amongst their own peers. My goal is to raise a lot of money, just so I can give it all away…literally. I want to make big changes to this world, make it a better place for my son, and to be able to show him what he’s helped me achieve by giving me the gift of MOM. My foundation, inspired by son, is truly my biggest passion and the fuel behind everything I do.

AM: What are your goals for KRF as we begin the back half of the year?

KR: To really put it front and center, when my clothing line launches — my Kourtney Reppert Foundation will launch simultaneously. A portion of proceeds from my clothing line will go into my nonprofit, as everything I do and pour my heart into is connected. 

AM: As an entrepreneur, are there other businesses that you can share that you will launch this year?

 KR: You’ll just have to wait and see! Stay tuned….

AM: As someone who is in great shape, what are 3 workouts that you swear by especially as many are finalizing their summer bodies?

KR:  Well, I swear by my trainer, Mack Fit and his APP! When I can’t physically train with him, I use the APP. The convenience of technology on the go helps guide me to do whatever workout I should do. Hiking and swimming are my big loves! Overall, I just really love being healthy and making good diet choices is just as important as exercise. Your body, mind and spirit shows what you eat.

Read the latest issue of Athleisure Mag.


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On today’s episode of #TRIBEGOALS we talk with John Salley, who had a phenomenal NBA career with 4 Championship rings on 3 separate teams. Post his NBA career, he has been a host of FOX Sports’ Best Damn Sports Show Period, a host on a number of shows such as VH1’s Basketball Wives and Basketball Wives LA, as well as a number of other hosting and TV appearances. In addition, he is known for his philanthropy, activism and his investments within health and wellness. With his focus on veganism as well as the cannabis sector, he has a truly diversified portfolio. I talk with John Salley about his career, his legacy in the game and his transition into his current projects.  

Catch up on your favorite podcast shows at Athleisure Studio.




With Memorial Day fast approaching, many are even more focused than usual on their bodies and getting them into tip-top shape at the gym. While exercise has multiple benefits, very often workouts and great looking skin don't go together.  We turned to Dr. Manish Shah, a Board-Certified Denver plastic surgeon and anti-aging expert, to give tips on how you can get the six-pack and still have glowing, acne free skin. 

Sweat Itself Does Not Cause Acne 

First, "It is important to know that sweat itself does not cause acne," says Dr. Shah. He explains, "Professional sportsmen are predisposed to accumulating dirt and bacteria in their pores during and after workout periods. If left without proper cleansing this can cause worsening in skin conditions like acne and dermatitis."

Avoid Makeup

These days a gym visit almost doesn't seem to "count" unless one Instagrams it. This often leads women to wear makeup to the gym. Just don't. Dr. Shah says, "Most makeup will clog pores by not allowing the skin to breathe naturally during workouts. A better option is a tinted moisturizer if you are self-conscious about your skin tone."


If you're going to be outdoors, apply a light moisturizer with SPF to keep your skin protected from UV rays.  Make sure to choose a lightweight product as not to clog up your pores. Look for words like "non-comedogenic" or "oil-free" to know that your sunblock won't cause acne.

Don't Touch Your Face at the Gym!

Cardio machines, weight machines, free weights, these all breed bacteria. Touching them and them wiping beads of sweat off your face is a sure way to spread bacteria that can create new breakouts. Make sure to bring a towel for this instead of using your hands.

A Flowing Mane of Hair is Not Your Friend During a Workout

When you are working out it is a good idea to keep hair out of your face by styling it into a bun or rocking a dry and clean sweatband. Sweat and dirt can get transferred from your hair onto your face. If you haven't washed your hair and you use hairspray or other hair products, these can also splash onto your pores along with perspiration. This can cause irritations and breakouts.

How to Choose the Right Gym Towel

An old rag won't be effective at absorbing sweat. However, you don't want a gym towel that is as absorbent as a bath towel you would use to dry off your body after a shower at home. Dr. Shah says that "The gym towel should be a happy medium — absorbent enough to keep your face dry during a workout, but not so thick it clings to bacteria even after a wash."

Wear Loose and Comfortable Gym Clothes

"Spandex is tight clothing that can lead to skin infections from bacteria and fungi," warns Dr. Shah. "Wear loose attire that will also help wick away the sweat preventing it from being absorbed by your skin." Just google "sweat-wicking workout clothes."

Reduce the Redness

Calm down a flushed face with your redness control remedy made up of a little bit of iced green tea and a spray bottle. "You'll cool down your skin and add in a few extra anti-oxidants in the process," says Dr. Shah.

After your workout

Dr. Shah stresses, "Wash your face immediately after your workout. You don't want a mixture of dirt, oil, and bacteria clinging to your skin, affecting its pH, and clogging your pores. If you are exercising in a park where there is no sink, bring cleansing facial wipes with you."

Moisturize Post Workout

No matter your type of skin, after cleansing you must moisturize. Dr. Shah says that "Skipping this essential step can unknowingly dehydrate your skin causing your oil-producing glands to overcompensate by producing an oversupply of oil. Use a moisturizer that's been produced for your specific skin type and condition immediately after cleansing for the best results."

Skip the Hot Shower

Sure, your muscles are sore, and you're in the mood for a hot shower after a workout. Dr. Shah points out that, "Hot water strips skin of vital oils, leaving you with dry, itchy, dull skin." Exfoliate more often to avoid "Bacne." Breakouts on your back or chest are particularly common for "gym rats." To avoid this, use a gentle body scrub three times a week. Dr. Shah says, "This will keep pores clear and skin functioning well."

Save Your "Superhero" Products for Night

Save serious treatment products for bedtime. Dr. Shah points out that, "Even seemingly normal skin can experience much more sensitivity right after a workout.  You may want to wait until redness decreases by bedtime to use your super-active acne or anti-aging treatment products."

 Read the latest issue of Athleisure Mag.