Read the OCT ISSUE #106 of Athleisure Mag and see THE 9LIST 9M3NU in mag.
Read the OCT ISSUE #106 of Athleisure Mag and see THE 9LIST 9M3NU in mag.
As the Summer comes to a close, we're looking ahead to the Fall and Holiday! We love being able to take time with friends and family and those that are in our inner circles to connect and many times, these gatherings take place in our favorite restaurants! It's within these 4 walls that memories are made, food is shared, and horizons are expanded. With the restaurant as the canvas, it is helmed by those give us the foundation for this exchange to take place.
This month's cover is Executive Chef Fariyal Abdullahi of Hav & Mar which is located in Chelsea's Art District in the Starrett-Lehigh Building. We talk about how a passion for food, fine dining, sustainability, and advancement led to a culinary career that has included phenomenal restaurants and a track record of integrity; her helming and being personally selected by Marcus Samuelsson (Red Rooster, Streetbird, MARCUS ADDIS) for this restaurant that is in the Marcus Samuelsson Group; being the Chef for and walking the Met Gala red carpet in 2021; being a judge on Food Network shows such as Chopped and Alex vs America, and being a James Beard Award 2024 Finalist! We wanted to know more about her culinary journey, her approach to food, sustainability, and changing restaurant culture.
ATHLEISURE MAG: It’s been such a fun day in being able to hangout at your baby, Hav & Mar and your cover editorial here with, a number of looks, and to see your restaurant and you in this way.
What was the first dish that you remember when you realized that you fell in love with food?
CHEF FARIYAL ABDULLAHI: Um, ok, so I grew up in Ethiopia and I am the youngest of 6 siblings. My mom would cook all of our meals herself – breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We were a family of 8, it didn’t matter. She always made it herself. You know, people say that their mom was a good cook, I can tell you objectively as a Chef that my mom was very talented and she didn’t have any formal training or anything. She was just very intuitive and very good at it. Because of that, everybody used to come to our house for food because her food was just that good! Holiday and everything, my uncles would be at the house. They were not at their wives homes with their cooking. They would be at the house and I noticed that at a very young age. I was like, “mom, you have to put me on!”
So it’s not a particular dish. But, she started me out with salad from the beginning. It was nothing that had to do with fire and stuff. I was a Garde Manger Queen (Editor’s Note: The pantry chef, commonly known as Garde Manger or Garmo is responsible for the preparation of cold dishes, salads, charcuterie, and appetizers in a commercial kitchen) when I was 6 years old. I was like, I want to do this, I want to do what you do. But it was also the process of – we’re very close to our food source. So, I have photos of me from when I was a kid making salad! We would go to the farm which was right around the corner from our house and they would grow the lettuce. So it was a whole process. I would go get the lettuce, the tomatoes, and all of that stuff and I would have the connection of seeing all of this stuff going from the soil, the farmers that grew it, and then I would go back home and it was literally a simple salad. Romaine Lettuce, Serrano Peppers, and Tomatoes – you didn’t even make a vinaigrette for it – it was just lime juice and salt.
AM: Oh wow!
CHEF FA: Yeah, that was my responsibility. It was very few ingredients, but it built my relationship that I had with food. It kind of made that first part where I had that connection with the people that grew my food. Then I turned what they did into something that was delicious to eat, and then everyone comes over - everyone pulls up. It was really that process where I was like, this is what I want. This is that thing that connects all of us.
AM: You graduated with a Bachelor’s in Clinical Child Psychology. When did you realize that you wanted to be a Chef as opposed to going down that track in terms of a graduate degree? You opted to go to the Culinary Institute of America in Nappa as opposed to staying on the psychology track.
CHEF FA: I always knew that I wanted to be in food. But, it’s the classic immigrant story where you leave your country and you go to America. The American Dream is that you are a doctor, lawyer, or engineer. Those are the 3 things. I would tell my mom when I was 14 or 16 that I wanted to cook and that I wanted to be a chef. And she would always tell me that that was a hobby and that it wasn’t a career. So when you’re a doctor, you can go home and cook as a hobby. That was your hobby, that was not a career. But I was like, “damn, that is really what I want to do!” As the youngest of 6 siblings, that’s what they did. So I have a sister that is a Neurosurgeon, my brother is an Immuno Oncologist – so he is doing cancer research, I have a brother and a sister that is doing Internal Medicine – so then it was my turn and I mean, I guess my second love is just knowing people and understanding behavior and that is why I went into Clinical
Psychology. But it never -
AM: It never really felt right.
CHEF FA: It didn’t! It really didn’t and I am a very empathetic person and so I got my Bachelor’s in Clinical Child Psychology and my sister who is in UCLA – both of my sisters are in UCLA, I went to go visit them and they said, “let’s show you the psych department.” They took me to where the children are and that’s what kind of changed me forever because I knew that I could not work with sick kids every day. I couldn’t do that and then go home with it! I knew that I would always go home with it! So that day, instead of applying to grad school, I applied to culinary school. I had my heart set on CIA because I had read 2 biographies from Grant Achatz and Anthony Bourdain and they both went to CIA and it is supposed to be the Harvard of culinary schools. I thought, hold on, if I get accepted to this school – this 1 culinary school, it’s go to be big right? So, I didn’t apply anywhere else, I just applied there.
AM: One shot!
CHEF FA: Yeah, one shot and I got accepted. So I told my mom, you have to let me do this.
AM: I used to have a teacher who felt that I should be a surgeon because in our labs when we were dissecting various animals, my precision in cutting was something that she loved. I had to explain to her many times that it wasn’t the work that I wanted to do, and that inspired me to find a piece that called back to that to bring it to this set. My mind will continue to run and replay a number of things and I can’t make my mind not work that way. I don’t know if I could take running a procedure in my head where something went wrong on that level and be ok.
CHEF FA: Yeah, I don’t know how they do it!
AM: So while you waited to hear about your application, you went to 18 countries and traveled for 3 months! What was it like to go to these places and for someone who already had an interesting palette already, how did you retrain that to take on all of these other areas that you had not previously been exposed to?
CHEF FA: So that was the purpose because I didn’t think that I had a palette. I don’t want to say advanced, but I didn’t think that I had a good palette yet. So the first 16 years of my life, I lived in Ethiopia, so I had a very high tolerance for spicy food, but also like very heavily spiced food. Things are very seasoned in Ethiopia so that is my threshold. I came to the States and my intro into American food became what I ate on campus.
I was like, “what is this flavorless, unseasoned – what is going on?” I swear that at 16, because I started college fulltime at 16, I used to walk around in my purse with Tabasco before Beyoncé said it, I swear to God that I had hot sauce in my bag! Because I was like, this ain’t it for me! It was just no flavor! It was that and the burritos, the burgers, and I’m in college. I kept thinking that there had to be an in between – hold on!
Yeah so, that was kind of the purpose behind my trip and I knew that there had to be more food out there. So it was 18 countries and now I’m on my 56th country. But in those 3 months, I did 18 countries and it was just to eat!
AM: That’s insane and amazing!
CHEF FA: It was cool because it’s like the whole 10,000 hours that Malcom Gladwell talks about (Editor’s Note: Malcolm Gladwell is a Canadian journalist, author and public speaker. He is known for his unique perspective on popular culture. He has been a staff writer with The New Yorker since 1996 and has published 7 books. He is also the podcast host of Revisionist History and the co-founder of the podcast company, Pushkin Industries. In his 2008 book Outliers, he states that, “10,000 hours is the magic number of greatness.” This theory means that to be considered elite or truly experienced with a certain craft you would need to practice it for 10,000 hours) it was the exposure of different flavors and textures that I would not have been exposed to if I had not traveled to these different countries. It became my little culinary school!
AM: Did you have a little travel journal and write down things as you navigated these countries?
CHEF FA: Yeah! I was solo too! I went by myself!
AM: Got it! Wow that’s a lot!
So what was it like to attend CIA and what were some of the kitchens that you trained in as you navigated to where you are here?
CHEF FA: So CIA, so I was responsible for my own tuition and that was the deal when I moved from Ethiopia. I did 8 hours of school a day, that’s how long our classes were – 8 hours, but then I would also work as a Teacher’s Assistant for the first 8 hours of my day. So that’s when I got into the 16 hour work day.
AM: Right!
CHEF FA: So, it was actually teaching me the work ethic that I needed honestly at the time, I didn’t know! I didn’t know how many hours people worked at restaurants. I had never worked in a restaurant before and there were no examples around me. So CIA in addition to obviously the culinary fundamentals, it was the first thing that taught me – ok, you can’t be tired. If you’re going to do this, you’re going to have to have the energy for this. I mean, it’s the Harvard of culinary schools and I do think that I got into Noma which was my first job ever – I mean Noma was the best restaurant in the world for 4 years in a row! It’s because I set myself up by going to the CIA!
AM: For sure!
CHEF FA: I felt like I was behind because when I was attending the CIA, my classmates were 18 years old and I was 25! I knew that I had to be on the fast track. Yeah, so it was essentially, a career change for me.
AM: Clearly, it all worked out as I’m sitting here talking with you in your restaurant!
CHEF FA: Yeah, I’m pretty much on a space ship and I’m on it.
AM: So, you were at Noma and I know that they are closing at the end of this year, but they will be more of a food laboratory and so that’s an interesting evolution with how they will continue their journey. So what are 3 things that you learned in your time of being at that restaurant? I mean when you hear of people who were at that restaurant, it’s no joke and it’s highly prestigious!
CHEF FA: I mean, especially with that being my first job ever! I remember when we were in culinary school getting ready to graduate and my classmates were like, we’re going to start off at this restaurant and then work our way up. I was like nah! I knew that I had to go straight to the top. They were like, you can’t do that. That’s not how the system is set up. You have to work your way up to Noma and I’m like, “cool, that’s what y’all are going to do.”
AM: But when you have a vision and you already feel like that you’re older than those that you have been with, you just can’t go at the same cadence because you have to make up for lost time.
CHEF FA: So the first thing that I learned at Noma is Integrity. Because my thing was that if I want to learn to be the best, I have to learn from the best! They were the best restaurant 4 years in a row and I was like, cool. What is it that makes them the best. It’s not always necessarily the food, what I learned there was Integrity is so high. Everybody was doing the right thing whether someone was looking or they weren’t looking. There’s no cutting corners. If this is how you’re shown how to do something, you do it. If there is something that is stopping you from doing it, you do it. Either way, you always do the right thing. That’s really powerful! So integrity!
10 years ago, the restaurant industry and kitchens are set up on this bully system I would call it. You get called all kinds of names, you get yelled at, that’s the relationship that you have with your Chef. The standard is always excellence and you will never reach that. So you're getting yelled at constantly every single day. So I was like, ok cool, this is how it is. If this is how it is, you just adjust to it. You learn how to have tough skin and you move on. But there is a changing area and I was getting ready to close out from the day and I heard René Redzepi (Editor’s Note: Danish chef and co-owner of 3-Michelin star Noma in the Christianshavn neighborhood of Copenhagen, Denmark) having a conversation with his leadership team and I guess there was this line cook that was being bullied and he just couldn’t take it anymore and he just left and he wasn’t answering anybody’s calls for 3 weeks.
AM: Oh wow!
CHEF FA: And people were like ok, whatever, if he’s gone, he’s gone. That day when I was getting ready to leave, I was in the changing area and I heard the conversation that René was having with his leadership team and he was telling them, “we have to shift the culture. How do you guys not care? What if this guy isn’t even alive right now? What is wrong with you?”
AM: That’s what I was wondering!
CHEF FA: He was really laying into them. He said, we have to be better. So he was like, “cool, you guys are going to go to his apartment, you’re going to find him and make sure that he is fed.” He was an intern so he wasn’t getting paid, but he was like, “do we need to pay him?” He wanted to find out all of this information. René’s wife was pregnant at the time and he thought that he was having a son and he was like, “if my son told me that he wanted to work in the kitchen, I would tell him no.” That’s because it is very abusive and we have to shift the culture and we need to be able to create a system where people want to come to work and that they feel appreciated and cared about. I was like, what is he talking about? That is not how kitchens run. Don't you just get yelled at and told that you ain’t shit?
AM: Yeah and you go into the corner and do a cry where no one can see you so you can get back in the game.
CHEF FA: Right? You go to the side, handle it and go right back out!
AM: Right? That’s how it was for me in fashion and that was just how it went!
CHEF FA: Yeah and I thought that it would be like that forever! But that was the first time that I had ever heard anybody talking about changing and shifting the industry! I thought, ok I guess that it could be different. So that sparked the biggest thing in me where it made me say that I run my kitchen with joy. I lead it with joy. I think that that is why we have such a high retention rate here. People want to stay working here.
AM: We have been here for a few hours and I haven’t seen anyone slacking, slinking off or even watching us do a photoshoot and having me interview you. Everyone is just focused!
CHEF FA: Yeah they have a very heavy prep list. They are super focused! They are totally fine! I am really proud of what I have built. It all stems from my Noma days. Build a workplace that people actually want to come to and I learned that from René and have integrity! Always do the right thing!
AM: You leave Noma and prior to Hav & Mar, what are some of the restaurants that you were working at between these 2 periods?
CHEF FA: Right after Noma, I went back to LA because that’s where my family lives and while I was there, I got a call from a Chef here in NYC and he was an Executive Chef at a restaurant called Caviar Russe which is a Michelin-starred restaurant and he called me and he was like, “hey, I need a prep cook." I was like, “damn, starting from the bottom. I just came from Noma!” But it made sense because there is such a huge gap in my resume because I went from culinary school to the best restaurant in the world and while I was at Noma – you know, that’s the third thing that I learned.
I learned that you determine your own growth in terms of how quickly you grow. Because I went as an intern and interns don’t really get to work the line especially prep, but I was out of the prep kitchen after a month and they put me on the line.
I remember that there was a huge symposium that they do called the MAD Symposium (Editor’s Note: René created the MAD Symposium which is considered the G20 of Food Industry Change) where they bring some of the best culinary minds and René would be on huge pins and needles and he was very anxious to make sure that service went well. Obviously, they had all the interns in the prep kitchen and he came upstairs and he said, “what are you doing here?” I was like, “Chef, this is where I was put.” And he told me that I was going to be working on the line. He put me on the line for one of the most important services that he was about to do. So I said, “got it Chef.” I just put my head down and I did the work.
AM: Inside, you must have been like, argh!
CHEF FA: Oh yeah! I mean, we’re extremely close, but he could be very intimidating. So, we always knew when he was in town because when he is in the kitchen, all you would hear (Chef Fariyal pulls her keys out of her pocket and puts her finger through the keyring and flips the keys over and over through the loop) is those keys and you would say, “Chef’s here.”
So he put me on a station with a Sous Chef from Finland and he was this massive guy! He said, ok you're going to work this station with him. The Sous Chef was like, “don’t say nothing. All you have to do is shuck these 200 year old clams and that’s it!” I mean, dude, they were the size of my palm. I’m like wow 200 year old clams, but I was like, “yes Chef.” He let me know that no matter how intense it got, all he needed me to do was to stay calm and just shuck these clams. So I said, “yes Chef.” 5mins into service, René comes around the corner and starts screaming at the Sous Chef and asking him why his station was dirty. It was not even dirty. “Why is your station dirty? You know what, stop, everyone come here. Look at how nasty his station is.” He kicks the Sous Chef out of the kitchen and now I am in the station by myself.
AM: Oh no!
CHEF FA: I said, “the Sous Chef told me to shut up and just keep shucking so I’m just going to shut up and keep shucking my clams!” So I learned to stay cool and to stay calm. So nothing gets me out of my zone.
AM: Nope!
CHEF FA: So that is my 3rd thing. You determine your growth because I was the only intern working the line on a shift that René kicked my Sous Chef off his station that I worked at and then it became mine. That was all because I put my head down and I put in the work.
AM: We also know that you accepted that job at Caviar Russe.
CHEF FA: Yes so Caviar Russe was the first job after Noma. They called me and I said sure, prep cook is kind of crazy, but sure. So I came and I moved to NY for that. Fine dining is my love and it’s what I love to do. But 6 months of doing that, making minimum wage and you’re in NYC – I was barely surviving – barely. I was like I don’t know how much longer I can sustain this. When I was in school, we always used to have job fairs and there would be this restaurant group, Hillstone.
AM: Oh yeah!
CHEF FA: They would always be in the school and try to recruit kids from the CIA. They have a few restaurants in NYC.
AM: Yeah, they had the spot at 53rd & Lex as I used to eat there quite a bit in my early days of living in NYC. That was my place at that time.
CHEF FA: I was never interested in working at a place like Hillstone. I was like, I’m a fine dining girl from CIA – what are you talking about? I’m not trying to make burger and fries! But then I was like, ok, fine dining is not cutting it. I’m literally a starving artist right now and I’m hungry and can’t even feed myself. I got recruited to Hillstone and I said, let me see what this is about. I went and I remember when I did my stage, I was like hold on, they may not be making the type of food that I am interested in, but the restaurant is run like a fine dining restaurant. So I thought hold on, maybe I can do this. They pay you a 6 figure salary right off the bat and I thought, I can do this and not be broke!
I was like, this is compromising the type of food that I love making, but it is done to the same standards. Also, the paycheck is cute and I did the switch from fine dining to Hillstone. I did that for about 5 years.
AM: That’s a long time.
CHEF FA: 5 years, 9 different restaurants, I moved 9 times to different cities, and I became the opener. That’s how I got my experience in opening restaurants. Anytime you are asked to open a restaurant as a Chef, that is a huge compliment because you’re laying the foundation.
AM: Yeah the standard.
CHEF FA: They’re saying that they want you to instill and to inject your work ethic and the trajectory of the restaurant is all based on -
AM: Your brand standard!
CHEF FA: Yeah so I opened 9 restaurants in 9 different cities with Hillstone.When I was with them, they had 53 restaurants in a number of major cities. It was a $650 million dollar restaurant. It was 1 owner, he did not go public.
AM: Oh wow!
CHEF FA: Huge!
AM: That’s a flex!
CHEF FA: That’s a flex! That is where I learned my leadership. That is 100% where I learned my leadership style. A lot of Chefs say that it is one of the best run restaurant groups in America. Hands down, easily.
So Caviar Russe to Hillstone and then I was like, I’m tired. By that time, I had been in the industry 8 years and there was never any Black women and even with Hillstone, I grew really quickly so after 9 months they gave me my own kitchen which was also very much so on the fast track. People had issues being led by a woman of color and they would make it very clear.
AM: Oh yeah.
CHEF FA: Like they would actually verbally say I’m not doing that. Why? Because you’re a woman and you’re Black. I would say, “cool, do you take a paycheck from a woman because guess who is writing your paychecks?” So if you’re cool with that, you’re going to do this task. But that was very exhausting. It felt like I was in a state of isolation. Because I was far away from my family, cities and states that I didn’t have friends or family in them. So I was very much so alone and then you go into work and they make it a point to feel even more alone. Even though I was Head Chef, you didn't really have much of a say. It wasn’t my food. I didn’t get to hire the people that I wanted. So I wasn’t making any of the changes that I wanted to make. I was tired and it was 2020 and I felt that I was done with the industry. I moved back to Ethiopia. I was like, “I’m done, this is wack and I’m not into it.”
Then I get a call from Marcus Samuelsson. “I was like, what the heck is happening right now?” He’s like, “Chef, it’s taken me quite awhile to track you down.” I was like, “what – what do you mean?“ I was so confused. He tells me about this restaurant. He told me that he was opening a restaurant in Chelsea and he wanted it to be run by me. I wanted to know more. He said that he wanted to build a sustainable menu and that he wanted it to be led by a woman of color as he felt that he had not put any spotlight on women of color.
So I was in Ethiopia for 6 months. I didn’t know what I was going to do. I was chilling. I still had my home and my brother still lives there – I was cool. There was no rush. So Marcus called and he said sustainable menu which really mattered to me a lot and having it led by women of color. I was like, “hold on, so I can make whatever food I want and I can hire whoever I want?” He was like, it’s you. It’s your restaurant. You can do what you want! So I was like, alright cool, I have to come back. Also, it didn’t feel like I was done with the industry.
AM: Right, you just needed the right fit.
CHEF FA: So this was my second chance at the industry. Then within a year and a half, we have had a stellar NY Times review, I’ve gotten my James Beard Nomination, all of this stuff and it’s like – wait, what?
AM: That’s so insane! You must have gotten off of the call and just been like – he’s been looking for me? I’m going to be working with this man?
CHEF FA: How? I mean – what? You’re looking for me? That don’t make no sense!
It was and it is and he is letting me do my thing. I’m really glad that I came back.
AM: It’s such a great story. I have had the pleasure of interviewing him before and I have also done a fun culinary video with him and seeing him at culinary events and competitions. Love his personality and his focus as well as everything about him is really amazing.
What does it mean to you for him to place you in this position and to have this massive responsibility as well as being able to chart your own path?
CHEF FA: It’s 2 things. There is that whole show that comes along with it. It’s a very public and media facing restaurant. I wouldn’t have known that I could be a voice for women of color in the culinary industry if he didn’t trust me with this you know? There is only 6% of women of color that are Executive Chefs which no wonder that we feel so lonely. I do know some women of color that are Executive Chefs, but they say that they don’t have to talk about it all the time. They feel that the more that you focus on race and all of that stuff, you’re taking away from your craft. But I’m like, people are making it a point to focus on it anyway.
AM: Exactly!
CHEF FA: Right, so why don’t you talk your shit?
AM: It’s intertwined!
CHEF FA: It is!
AM: You can’t do one without the other.
CHEF FA: People don’t want to separate it so I will talk about it. People immediately are only focused on the food. I am going to talk about it and he gave me the voice which I think really helps. Because now, so many women of color reach out to me and say, “Chef this is so inspiring. I almost gave up on the industry.”
But the other thing is that Marcus is the first and the only person to ever tell me this. When we first started opening the restaurant he could tell because I had never really worked for a restaurant where I was in charge that was this front facing. He started talking about that we would get reviewed in the first couple of months and I was like woah, “I have never had to deal with this.” I wasn’t sure if I could do it and he was the first person to ever tell me, “Chef, you’re here because you deserve to be. You know that right?” I’ll never forget those words. I’m like, “no actually. No one has ever said that to me. Not a single person has told me that you’re here because you deserve to be.” He told me that I worry about that way too much and that he brought me here because I made great food and I tell a great story. So he told me that, ”whoever walks through that door, if they don’t see you, that’s not your problem. You’re here because you deserve to be.” And that kind of felt like the shackles that I had the first 8 years of my career –“
AM: Broke.
CHEF FA: Yeah, it unlocked it. I was like, cool. I don’t have to prove myself to anyone. I’m here because I deserve to be. You know, you don’t see white men prove why they are there.
AM: No you don’t.
CHEF FA: Right, everyone just knows that that is what it is. They make the food, people see that is the chef and there isn’t anything else that has to be said or debated. So he gave that to me. He gave me the belief and the understanding that I am here because I deserve to be. He gave me that voice so it’s been very impactful. It’s the first time and I always tell my siblings that their job is important because they are literally saving lives. My job is not important and that is what I have been saying for the last 8 years, but now like I have been doing this for 12 years and it’s the first time that I have felt that what I do is important. I’m changing an entire industry in terms of how you can run a restaurant and also many people see that you need to bring more women of color into your restaurant.
AM: There are a lot of people out there in your space telling a story, but you need to also be out on platforms sharing how you’re rocking things too. To hear as you said that it’s less than 6%.
What can you tell us about this space, the ambiance, the design, and what can diners expect when they come here? I love how decadent it is when you look in. But there is a relaxing element to the space as well as whimsical with the Black mermaids which I love!
CHEF FA: Yeah! Well that’s all Derrick Adams! So when Marcus commissioned Derrick Adams to do the artwork here, he told him it was going to be a seafood restaurant and that it would be led by women of color. So immediately, Derrick Adams was like Black mermaids. He titled it, We Are From the Water Too.
AM: I love that!
CHEF FA: We Are From the Water Too! So Black mermaids. So Marcus always says, “when you lose the message of Hav, look at the mermaids.” Like, they will always bring you back to what our message is at Hav. Visually and aesthetically, the architects name is Zébulon Perron (Red Bull Music Academy, Broccolini Condo Store, Pancho) and he’s won awards for creating this space and he's actually amazing.
But I love how it looks simple, right? Which is why you can feel so relaxed and it doesn’t feel intimidating where you feel that you have to be buttoned up. But then you get into the details and it’s like woah, hold on!
AM: It’s very Matrix-y in some ways with the way that the fixtures are floating. There are sections and yet everything is still together. It’s mind trippy! A little bit like Salvador Dalí (Editor’s Note: A Spanish surrealist artist renowned for his technical skill, precise draftsmanship, and his striking images. Major themes in his work included dreams, stretching and mixing realities, as well as the subconscious.)
There’s just a warmth.
CHEF FA: And you know, he wanted it to be an open kitchen obviously. So I always stand in the pass (Editor’s Note: This is where plates go for a final garnish or inspection before they’re sent to the dining room. It’s also where components of a dish that are prepped at different stations meet to be plated together,) so I am the first person that people see. If we’re going to have a restaurant led by a woman of color, we’re not going to hide her. We’re going to make sure that people know that she is at the helm of it all. So I take my position right there and we have guests that walk up. Sometimes people are like, “can we meet the Chef?”
AM: It’s like, hello!
CHEF FA: Haha yes, hello! Were you expecting someone or something different?
AM: Sometimes they are!
CHEF FA: Well most of the time they are!
We get so many people that come up! Little girls and they’re like, “I want to be a chef!” This space! When I first walked in, there was nothing! It was rubble – a pile of rubble! I was like, “I don’t know what y’all see!” They did it just like that – 2 months!
AM: Really?
CHEF FA: Yeah!
AM: Wow!
CHEF FA: I love it here. I spend 80 hours in this building so -
AM: You know it very well!
CHEF FA: It’s not a bad place to spend 80 hours.
AM: What is the meaning behind the name?
CHEF FA: So Marcus is both Ethiopian Swedish. Hav is Swedish for ocean and Mar is the Ethiopian word for honey. So we are from the Sweet Waters which is how he describes it. But, it’s to pay homage to both his Swedish and Ethiopian roots.
AM: So what would you say the cuisine is and what are the ingredients and the flavors that are indicative of it?
CHEF FA: So when we were first talking about how we could make a sustainable menu, we kept coming back to seafood. Initially, he wanted to do a vegan restaurant.
AM: Part of me thought that this would have been a vegan restaurant.
CHEF FA: Right because when you talk about sustainability, that tends to be the best route to go. But then we were like, gosh, it’s really hard to tell our story through just plants. So we landed at seafood. I like to describe it as seafood. When we first opened it was, seafood told through the lens of the African Diaspora because it was very heavily influenced by African ingredients. I’m Ethiopian born and raised so a lot of Ethiopian influence, but I did a lot of West African ingredients too. Then we evolved because I have a Sous Chef from the Philippines and a Sous Chef from Puerto Rico.
PF: Oooo
AM: Yeah, both of us just said ooo at the same time!
CHEF FA: Yeah as the Executive Chef, the menu is mine. One day, I was feeling under the weather and my Filipino Sous Chef made me a traditional Filipino soup called Sinigang. I was in the pass and she saw me struggling as I was saying fire for the dishes. She said, “Chef, I made this for you.” I was like what is this and why is this not on our menu? She explained that it was from the Philippines and that they have a traditional soup made with fish. I was like, “you know we have a seafood restaurant?" Then I was like, hold on, I think that we should start bringing in their voices to the menu too. I don’t have to gatekeep this.
So then we started incorporating their dishes and then I think that that’s when Pete Wells (Editor’s Note: Pete Wells was the restaurant critic at The New York Times from 2011 – August 2024) came in to do the review and I was like, oh my God, we don’t really have an identity besides the fact that we are a seafood restaurant. He was like, “Chef Fariyal uses her global influence –.“ I was like, that’s who we are - we are a seafood restaurant. Some people will come in and say this is not African and I’m like we’re a seafood restaurant with a global influence. That’s it and now it has all of their global identities.
We have Puerto Rican flavors, we have Middle Eastern flavors, Filipino flavors – we have everything!
AM: That’s amazing.
CHEF FA: But the vessel is seafood. The seafood tells our story in terms of sustainability. It’s what keeps me up at night.
So when I was designing the menu and we were creating these dishes, we need to use as much of the ingredient as possible. I want very little waste. So the thing about restaurants is that we are one of the highest contributors of the Climate Crisis because we produce so much food waste and that ends up in landfills and I’m like how can we avoid all the waste that we produce here ending up in landfills? So it’s about using as much of the ingredient as possible.
So we are getting really creative so I have something called Ash Oil. So I was like, can we do anything with all of these scraps with the skins of scallions, onion skins, scallion tops that we throw away, garlic, and all of that stuff. Things that you would throw away and I thought that there has to be flavor in here! So we just put it in the Hearth oven which goes up to 800° and it gives it a nice char and then I blended it into a salt and then I mix that with oil so it has this super...
AM: Smoky
CHEF FA: Yes smoky flavor! So I was like, hold on this is edible and it gives this whole other dimension to dishes. So I was like, alright cool lets get really creative like that. Let’s use parts of ingredients that normally get thrown away. So that was Step 1.
Step 2 was how do I make sure that – obviously you can’t use 100% of everything.
AM: Right.
CHEF FA: How do I make sure that this doesn’t end up in landfills? So I did some research and found 2 different organizations one is called Afterlife. They come and pick up our compost every day. They grow mushrooms with our compost.
AM: Oh wow!
CHEF FA: I built a dish around these mushrooms so it’s like a full 360 moment. But then, the most important thing is that after they are done growing these mushrooms they take the substrate which is the compost and they turn it into soil and they create something called Biochar. So Biochar is soil, but it has the ability to sink carbon for a 1,000 years.
AM: Wow so they are a Circular Farm.
CHEF FA: Right, so I was like hold on, this is really fly! So all of our compost goes to them. I work with them a lot and they are doing a lot of really amazing things.
AM: And they are based here in the city?
CHEF FA: Yeah! They do all of that and they make Biochar by using our compost and then they donate the Biochar to farmers and it helps them increase their yield. So farmers are getting better yield while making sure that we’re not increasing the output of Carbon Dioxide to the air. They also donate it to parks and it goes to Governors Island. So they do all of these wonderful things with our compost.
AM: Wow!
CHEF FA: And then the second company, they’re called Billion Oyster Project.
AM: That’s the host of the dinner we’re going to on Thursday at Governors Island (Editor’s Note: You can read the story about this dinner from Outstanding in the Field in this issue).
CHEF FA: No way!
AM: Yeah Le Jardinier is the culinary portion and we’re very excited.
CHEF FA: Ok, that makes sense!
They are my second partner. So what they do is they collect oysters from restaurants and they are basically reconstituting the oyster population in the Hudson and all of the rivers here. What that does is it gives us a good filtration system. So they take our oysters because I’m like, let’s not get lazy with it. Technically, you could throw everything into a compost, but I’m like are there things that we can separate within the compost that makes better use? So since we have been open, Billion Oyster Project has been in the loop.
That is the most important thing to me. We can get all of the best accolades in the world. But the thing is, If you are contributing to a worse planet, what are you really doing?
AM: We have to do something and to keep researching for new innovations.
CHEF FA: Exactly!
AM: Wow!
CHEF FA: I like talking about it because for example, Afterlife they have 20 restaurants that they have partnered with in NYC. Do you know how many restaurants there are in NYC? That’s wild that there are only 20 restaurants that participate!
I eventually want to end up in policy. I do work with Save the Children. I do a lot of advocacy work and I eventually want to end up there. But for now, if you can implement the stuff while you’re on the ground, that’s a great place to start.
AM: I can see you doing Food Advocacy work as Tom Colicchio and Todd English, both of them are doing what they can and making their voices heard.
CHEF FA: It’s important! Listen, I am a mushroom fiend! They are very tasty.
AM: In looking at the menu, the flow of it is really great! What are 3 dishes from your Raw & Cured that you would suggest for those coming in?
CHEF FA: Raw & Cured, so I am a little biased with my Tuna Tartare.
AM: I love a Tuna Tartare moment.
CHEF FA: It’s so good! Tuna Tartare is a must. Hamachi has been there since we have opened. It’s a ceviche that I use called the Black Ceviche which is non-traditional and I use the Ashe Oil in there. It’s very acidic, but that Ash Oil gives it that other dimension of what I was talking about when I was saying smoky. That’s not very traditional for a ceviche. I can never get rid of that. It will be on the menu forever. There are just some things – I mean we are a seasonal menu, but there are just some things that’s just like, there will be an uproar if we take that off the menu.
AM: People will be like, wait, is it even a restaurant if I can’t get this here? Forks raised in the air – where is it?
CHEF FA: For real – picketing! The Hamachi Ceviche and there is a dish called the Swediopian. So it is something that we have had since the beginning. Swediopian is our play on words where it’s Swedish and Ethiopian. So way before this restaurant opened, Marcus and I did an event for Pepsi and it was around the Super Bowl and he wanted a dish that represented both his Ethiopian and Swedish roots and he said to play around with the cured salmon. So I cured it using Swedish techniques, but then I used berbere which is an Ethiopian spice so it’s a twice cured salmon.
AM: Oh wow so it’s punchy.
CHEF FA: Yeah very actually. You guys need to come in and eat. Seriously.
AM: Oh we will, we want to be able to try that.
CHEF FA: So those three from the Raw & Cured are great!
AM: What are 3 Small Plates that you suggest that we should enjoy?
CHEF FA: Small Plates, we do a beautiful Scallop here.
AM: I love a Scallop.
CHEF FA: Yes, we have our Fall Menu coming in 3 weeks and so the format will change again.
Yes and the Salad is a big hit too! We always bring that in every Summer. I have this formula that I use. For this particular Salad I do a purée and it’s about what ingredient is at its best during the season? So for the Summer Salad, I do a corn purée then Heirloom tomatoes because you know and then I do a compressed watermelon.
AM: Wow!
CHEF FA: What could be more Summer than that? So I always say get the Summer Salad and the Scallops – those are my 2 favorites.
AM: What is Happy Hour like here?
CHEF FA: Happy Hour is from 5-7pm. We have a separate menu that we do and our General Manager Tia, a woman of color whose Jamaican, she’s a Somm and she does the Beverage Program here.
AM: Wow!
CHEF FA: So she wears many hats! So she makes awesome cocktails. We work in tandem and she takes ingredients from the kitchen that we are processed and done with and instead of throwing it away and making waste, she makes cocktails with it.
AM: Oh that’s smart and the sustainability continues.
So that means some of your cocktails are even a bit savory as well?
CHEF FA: Yup the Hav & Martini – so I make pickled red onions that I use as a garnish and I put beets in it to make that beautiful pink color. So when we're done pickling it, we used to toss out the juice. But she uses it in her Hav & Martini.
AM: I like that!
CHEF FA: Yeah it’s this beautiful pink hued beverage. She has this really beautiful way of explaining it because I don’t drink alcohol and I’m Muslim and I have never been in that world.
The way that she explains it she’s like this cocktail uses onions and this is why. I’m like, girl I don’t know, but it sounds good!
AM: It’s smart because there are a lot of studios in this area -
CHEF FA: Art studios.
AM: So you’re open for dinner every night. Do you ever foresee a lunch service? What was the decision behind this?
CHEF FA: So one thing that I love patting myself on the back for is because when you start getting to this whole thing – James Beard, Michelin, and all of that stuff – people equate how difficult it is to get into a restaurant with how successful that restaurant is. I always tell people – it’s not a competition, but when you look at and line up all of the restaurants, I have 140 seats. We are open 7 days a week and a lot of these restaurants are not open 7 days a week. They’re not and in this post COVID climate, it’s very challenging to have enough staff to be open and operating 7 days a week and that’s a really huge deal.
AM: Yup!
CHEF FA: And most of the restaurants, I mean this is a very big operation in terms of seats.
AM: When I walked in, I thought, they’re not playing.
CHEF FA: Yeah so 140 seats, 7 days a week. I’m like, you guys don’t understand – like when you guys are like who is the best chef? Look at the operation also, you know what I mean? I could run a 12 seat restaurant that’s open 4 days a week. I could run that very easily. So it already is doing the most because we are open 7 days a week in this restaurant. But Marcus does have pipe dreams of being open for lunch and I’m like, “Chef, where are these people? Where is the staff that I’m supposed to find?” I would say that that is the biggest challenge of being open for more service – it’s just not the same. The pool of people to hire is not the same at all.
AM: So speaking to that, what is an average day like?
CHEF FA: So the operating hours is that we are open from 5-10pm.
So there are 2 shifts. The AM team gets here at 8am. They are here from 8-4pm. They prep the food that all the guests are going to eat. So our rule is, “today’s food, for today’s guests.” So everything is made fresh inhouse every day. There is no rolling over. I have a Sous Chef, I have a Pastry Chef, 2 Prep Cooks, and a Dishwasher.
AM: Wow.
CHEF FA: So that’s who’s here from 8 – 4pm.
Then at 3pm, my line team gets here. So they are the ones that cook the food. So there is an hour overlap between the 2 of them. But they will be here from 3 – 11pm. So there is the prep team and the service team.
AM: Oh wow.
CHEF FA: I have to kind of be here for both.
So I get here between 12-2 and then I stay here until the last table leaves.
AM: So on your admin day, is that when you are touching base with the group?
CHEF FA: So with the group, we have weekly meetings every Wed. So we have our meetings with our Director of Operations. The only reason why she is here today is because our General Manager is in Chicago. But we have a meeting with her, our CEO, and our CFO every Wed. about our P&L. So I have to know every single penny that comes into this building and every single penny that leaves this building. So I always give them a presentation every single Wed. This is where we’re at, this is the goal, this is what my food cost is, this is what my labor cost is, and this is our bottom line. It’s every Wed. and I have to be prepared to talk about our numbers in and out.
But when I say admin stuff, it’s like every Mon. we do payroll. Bit every day, I process invoices. So there is always something. Or there is scheduling I do that every week.
AM: You are a woman of many hats.
CHEF FA: It never ends.
AM: So obviously we were talking about the Met Gala earlier during your shoot. You looked phenomenal on the red carpet. What did it mean to you to be part of that event in addition to obviously doing the menu itself? Just being in that apex of fashion.
CHEF FA: So in the moment, I obviously didn’t grasp how big it was!
Somehow in the end it looks like I’m a fashion forward person ...
That was important for me 1 – it was kind of my debut. We had done so many shoots with Vogue and a lot of stuff and it was like, Chef Fariyal, Chef Fariyal. I was always cooking behind the scenes and now it was like, people know me as a chef now. It was cool and that’s what kind of catapulted the whole TV and media. Because that is when I got a call from the President of Food Network. They were like, hold on, who are you and why are you not on TV? I was like what do you mean because I’m a Chef? What do you mean TV? But that is what catapulted it all. It was that Met Gala, that red carpet.
AM: You were on a lot of the main pages of a number of international editions of Vogue as well as the one here. It was like Lady Gaga what? I remember thinking wow and she’s a Chef on that red carpet – wow. It’s like that’s huge because I thought that she would be in the kitchen.
CHEF FA: I thought that I was going to cook, but no!
AM: What does it mean to your brand because you are doing Chopped as a judge or you’re on Alex vs. America as a judge, or you’re on your Roku show, Celebrity Family Food Battle, and you have done different kinds of things. What does that mean to you when you look at that particular component. Because it feels like being a Chef now – although you don’t have to do this – it has become elevated where you have to have these other touch points that includes TV.
CHEF FA: So it kind of goes hand-in-hand. One of the reasons that the restaurant has been successful is that obviously we’re blessed to have Marcus and his brand behind it and now it’s 50/50. Just as many people walk into the building to meet me as they do asking for Marcus and it’s because I do so many things and when they introduce me on TV they say, that is the Executive Chef from Hav & Mar. So it really helps and my brand is very closely tied to Hav & Mar. So we keep those butts in these seats.
AM: You’re rocking those 7 nights!
CHEF FA: Yeah!
AM: And being a finalist for James Beard. What does that mean to you?
CHEF FA: Oh my gosh, that was never – to me, it was one of those things like James Beard wasn’t even a North Star for me. It wasn’t something that I thought would ever be in my world or something that I could even attain. Then when I moved to Hav & Mar and we opened this restaurant, Marcus asked me what some of my goals were.
I was like, James Beard and he said, “oh, ok.” I was like, “what you mean?”
AM: And he was like what part did you not get? The O or the K?
CHEF FA: I want to be nominated for a James Beard. The other thing was Food & Wine Best Chef. I wanted to be in that category too. And he made me write a list and he said that these were all things that we could work towards. I didn’t think that it would come so fast within my first year of opening the restaurant.
So when I got my nomination for James Beard, I was on set at Chopped and the list came out. It was like right between takes and my phone because I always have it under my leg, it was going off. I was like is the restaurant on fire? What is going on? So I kind of snuck a look and I was like what? James Beard – whatever. And then in between, I read the first text and it was like, congratulations you are a nominated and I was like, what are they talking about? So I was with my co-judges and I was like, Tiffany, I just got nominated for a James Beard and everyone was like what that’s so cool! Then it was like, “and action!”
So literally this is happening in between takes and obviously everyone on set knew how big of a deal this was and what made it really special was that at some point, somebody went out and got flowers and a card. They made the entire team come out on set – every single person that works on Chopped came to give me flowers.
They announced it and said Chef Fariyal is a James Beard nominated Chef! It was very emotional.
AM: That is very cool!
CHEF FA: It was really emotional and how cool is that moment? I’m on the set of Chopped, we’re their celebrating a James Beard nomination and then of course, everyone was like wow just to be nominated is really important and a lot of people don’t even make it to the finals. The people were making sure that I didn’t get my hopes up. But sure enough, I made that shortlist too! It was like what? This is insane. So now, we’re really pulling up. We’re pulling up to the James Beard Awards – this is amazing. I thought that up until that moment that it was just the nomination that mattered to me.
But then, I am in the first category. I sat down, there was a quick presentation. First award of the night is the Emerging Chef Category. I had this super powerful and emotional speech written. I had envisioned it, I was going to go up there and Marcus had given me a pep talk and said that not that many people get it on their first nomination. So if they don't say your name, just try to find it within you to not be disappointed. Because the fact that you made it this far is insane.
AM: Yeah, it’s huge!
CHEF FA: Right so it’s my first nomination. I just remember that they didn’t say my name. I was like woah, I want that. But I didn’t know that I wanted to win. I thought – I mean my goal that I had written down was – I wanted to be nominated. But when they didn’t say my name, it was a 2 second thing where I said, I do want to win. Next year. Then afterwards, the President of James Beard came up to me and everyone was coming up to me and everyone was shocked. They thought that I really had this one. But they told me, you know you’re going to be here many, many, many more times.
AM: Exactly! And the dress you wore was amazing!
CHEF FA: That was like full on from my tribe! Because I did a little bit of it for Met Gala with the headband. But then I wore the full attire this time. That was part of the speech too! I was like gosh, I have to wear it every year now?
AM: Well, you set a little precedent for yourself.
CHEF FA: I did! But that was really important you know because I -
AM: Well representation!
CHEF FA: That’s the thing! I represent 4 voices in America – I’m Black, I’m a woman, I’m Muslim, and I’m an immigrant. 4 of the most underrepresented voices and I think about that every day. I just can’t carry myself like that – this stuff matters, you know what I mean? People are paying attention to me and I have to be very careful about how I speak, what I say, and it’s not all fun and games.
The reason why I was disappointed that I didn’t get it is because we talk about so much about how this is – I always talk about how we need to give women of color more opportunities in the kitchen. So when I got the nomination, it wasn’t just me, I was making a case and a point for why more people of color should be nominated in these things. Then when I didn’t win I was like, gosh, did I let everybody down? I don't know.
AM: No, not at all.
CHEF FA: I got us in the room.
AM: You got in the room and like you said, you will have many more opportunities.
Do you envision having your own cookbook? I know that you had a recipe that was included in a cookbook.
CHEF FA: They are on my case every day!
AM: Haha I can imagine.
CHEF FA: It’s definitely in the pipeline. It’s just a matter of me finding the time.
AM: Last year, we had the pleasure of covering the Food Network Wine Food Festival and this year, you are going to be participating. How excited are you to be part of it, is this your first time?
CHEF FA: This is my first time!
Well I’m doing -
AM: I know that you have a sit down dinner that you’re doing right?
CHEF FA: It’s a Hav & Mar X The Musket Room Brunch with the chefs from The Musket Room. So that’s Mary Attea and Camari Mick. How much more aligned can we get? Like Camari is also killing it in the game! So we got on the phone and we came up with the menu in like 3 seconds and we knew that this was going to be so fun. But I think that that will be so powerful. That should be fun so I’m excited.
I’m also doing the Blue Moon Burger Bash: Champions vs. Challengers presented by Pat LaFrieda and hosted by Rachael Ray.
That is going to be fun, a little burger competition.
AM: We loved the spread of coverage and the fact that you could to eat a number of amazing dishes, connect with people we have covered as well as to hang out with the food community, it’s a good time.
I love that we’re living in a time right now where people are understanding more and want to get a better awareness of the restaurant industry. That’s whether you’re watching Chopped, Top Chef, or The Bear.
CHEF FA: Oh yeah.
AM: I love The Bear!
On your IG, you’ve been talking about the industry, explaining terms, and giving people an inside scoop. Why do you also enjoy sharing this aspect so that people are able to know more about you, but also the industry?
CHEF FA: It was kind of a natural progression from people developing an interest from watching these programs. There are all these Food Network shows, but it’s not an insight into how restaurants are. I think it was The Bear that started this whole thing. People would start using kitchen terms and be like, “how does the pass work?” and I was like what? How did you know about the pass? Where did you -
AM: Carmy said it!
CHEF FA: Exactly, Carmy said it. Oh my gosh! But I am glad that if they’re going to take any information from a show, it’s The Bear because it’s 1000% accurate. Now obviously, there are some Hollywood liberties that they take so that it makes it more dramatic or whatever. But it is a very accurate representation of how restaurants are. So, it came from people being so interested and asking questions. Then on my end too, it’s like it was such a huge shift when the industry was shut down during the pandemic and then opening back up. I was like, people are going to be nice. Right? Because we’re all struggling collectively as humanity.
No, we would get people that were so mean to our servers and just being super mean, just like – beyond. So I thought, well maybe if you give people insight into how tough that it actually is to get the food to your table, you’d be more grateful for this experience.
AM: Tell me about Take Care of Home, why you created it, and what does it do?
CHEF FA: So it’s a non-profit that I started with my friends from Ethiopia. Education has always been at the forefront of my philanthropy work because my mom was set in an arranged marriage when she was 16. So she had to drop out of school in the 8th grade and she was married and started having kids at 16 and her only regret in life was that she didn’t finish school. She stressed that with us. She put all 6 of us thorough private school. It was really important to her. So it became important to me. In Ethiopia, there is a huge gap where in the capitol city, there are a number of schools. But in rural parts of the country, there aren’t actually that many schools because the government only has the funds to subsidize teacher’s salaries, but there are no physical structures because no one has the money to build these infrastructures. So on paper, the schools exist, but no one is going. You’re learning under a shed and under crazy circumstances.
So we were like if this is what is going on and all they need is funding to build the schools, why don’t we do that? So we created Take Care of Home just by the first year was just asking our friends. We were like, we could build a school with $20,000 US or $60,000 US depending on the size of the school. The first year we raised money just by asking our friends. Then it becamea formal thing. We became a non-profit, and we spent an entire year raising money and we just built our 9th school.
AM: Wow!
CHEF FA: We’ve been open for 7 years. We have also expanded our initiatives as well. The first school that we completed, we always go back and visit. We noticed that it was mostly boys that were attending school, but not girls. So when we started digging into that, we learned that in that part of the country, girls don’t really get to go to school because they have house things that they have to do. Especially, when it comes to getting water. None of these homes have direct access to water so the girls have to go to the river and it’s not always close or nearby. So they can’t go to school. So I said, what if we fix that problem?
So we started a second initiative where we build water pipelines to the homes. We started doing that and that freed the girls to start going to school. So we are learning as we go. We’re adding more initiatives in addition to building schools.
AM: 9 is huge!
CHEF FA: 9 schools and I’m very proud of it!
AM: Are there any upcoming projects that we should know about that are on your radar that you are comfortable in sharing with us?
CHEF FA: Not really – obviously you know that there are always talks like TV shows.
AM: How do you take time for yourself when you’re not doing all of the things at the restaurant or are on set for TV? How do you reset especially with the amount of hours you have for work?
CHEF FA: So my reset is if I do take 2 days off like a human being, and I am doing this next week, after I get off of work here, I go straight to the airport, hop on a redeye, to go be with my family for 36 hours and then come right back. So I usually catch the red eye coming back and I come here straight to work. I’m usually suitcase out and suitcase in. So my family is my reset.
AM: What do you want your legacy to be?
CHEF FA: See that’s an Oprah style question?
AM: Yes, she was my very first interview when I was 12.
CHEF FA: No way. But it makes sense. I’m not surprised!
Ok, what I want my legacy to be is the Chef that changed the culture.
AM: Yeah!
CHEF FA: Anybody could make good food honestly. I could give anybody the recipe and they could carry it out. But to make people feel seen and that they deserve to be here the same way that Marcus made me feel that I deserved to be here regardless of your race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation – none of that stuff matters when you’re making food. None of that stuff matters at all! But we have not created that yet and I think that that is what I have done with these guys. But I want it to go beyond these 4 walls. This should be how restaurants are run.
AM: 100%
CHEF FA: I’ve had these conversations with Chefs and they’re like, nope – it would never work. Like, if you want to make this kind of food, this is how you have to run the kitchens. Ok, but then why am I able to make it work here? It’s happening here now.
PHOTOGRAPHER Paul Farkas | FASHION STYLIST Kimmie Smith | MUA Dru Coppin/Felicia Graham Beauty Team | HAIR STYLIST Lea DeLoy |
IG @pvfarkas
NIGHT OUT LOOK FRONT COVER + PG 16, 34 - 43, + 62 | NORMA KAMALI Super OS BF NK Shirt/Body/True Navy + Shirred Mini Skirt/True Navy | LAGOS Long Superfine Diamond Drop Earrings | MIGNON FAGET Banana Leaf Cuff | GOLD STORIES Rani Cuff Ring with Sapphire + Rani Cuff Ring |
WFH LOOK BACK COVER + PG 18, 21 | SCOTCH & SODA Printed Maxi Cotton Voile Dress | PONO BY JOAN GOODMAN Evelyn Necklace Starlight | LAGOS Blue Ceramic Stainless Smart Caviar Watch, 18K Gold and Blue Ceramic Hoop Earrings, Small Ceramic Dynamic Stacking Ring, Ceramic Beaded Bracelet 9mm + Caviar Skull Bracelet 9mm |
OUT & ABOUT LOOK I PG 22, 25 | TOMMY HILFIGER The Letterman Cardigan | AIR AND ANCHOR Stainless Steel One of A Kind Kinda Necklace Neutral /14K Gold + Center of the Universe Necklace Set | GOLD STORIES Rani Cuff with Sapphire + Intertwined Bangle | PARKER THATCH Cross Your Heart Sling - Leather Butterscotch + Adjustable Crossbody Strap - Modernist |
OUT + ABOUT LOOK II PG 26, 29 | SCOTCH AND SODA Short Trucker Jacket in Multi Color Stripe + Relaxed Fit Cotton Linen Chino Joggers | LNA CLOTHING Essential Cotton Kaden V Neck | AIR AND ANCHOR Stainless Steel One of A Kind Kinda Necklace Neutral /14K Gold + Center of the Universe Necklace Set | GOLD STORIES Rani Cuff with Sapphire + Intertwined Bangle | CONVERSE Chuck 70 Canvas |
FITNESS LOOK PG 30 - 32 | NORMA KAMALI Hologram Foil Mini MotoJacket + Hologram Foil Cropped Leggings | MACHINES FOR FREEDOM Foundations Bra | HAMMITT Tony SML | GOOGLE Pixel Watch 3 45mm | PONO BY JOAN GOODMAN Colette Luce Bracelet | CARRERA Super Champion Italian Style Pilot Sunglasses | LAGOS Delicate 18K Gold Beaded Bracelet 3mm, 18K Gold Superfine Caviar Link Necklace + 18K Gold Karat Pendant | ATHLETIC PROPULSION LABS TechLoom Bliss |
Read the AUG ISSUE #104 of Athleisure Mag and see INTEGRITY EXCELLENCE SUSTAINABILITY | Chef Fariyal Abdullahi in mag.
PHOTO CREDIT | Pixabay/RafinDeveloper
This month, The Art of the Snack takes us to 2 MICHELIN-starred Jônt (DC) and Ômo by Jônt (Winter Park, FL) for decadent meals that we can't wait to enjoy when visiting either of these cities. We sat down with Chef Ryan Ratino who is the founder of Hive Hospitality and is the recipient of Michelin Guide's 2023 Young Chef Award.
We wanted to know more about his culinary background, the thought behind both of these restaurants, and what we can expect when we come in to enjoy these luxury dining experiences!
ATHLEISURE MAG: What was the first dish that made you realize you love food?
CHEF RYAN RATINO: I think as a kid eating pierogies or stuffed cabbage is one of my favorite memories and led me to my passion for eating and food!
AM: When did you realize that you wanted to be a chef?
CHEF RR: I actually never thought that you could be a chef growing up where I did. My mother was the one to push me as a teenager when she noticed my passion for cooking.
AM: Can you tell us about where you trained and kitchens that you trained in?
CHEF RR: I’ve worked in various kitchens including places like Caviar Russe, WD 50, Todd English's Bluezoo, Ripple (DC) - and I staged in my younger years during my career at places like minibar, Dovetail and various other MICHELIN-starred restaurants that are recognized nationally.
AM: When did you realize that you wanted to open your own restaurants?
CHEF RR: When the last place I worked at as the Executive Chef decided to close, I realized that I had the chance to do something on my own and create a place (or places) that are a culmination of the restaurant experiences that I have had the opportunity to partake in.
AM: Tell me about Hive Hospitality.
CHEF RR: Hive Hospitality is a brand that focuses on service at its finest level; creating memorable dining through generosity. Our team personalizes each diner's experience - we want to be a leader in contemporary experiential hospitality that promotes fun and resonance - without losing refinement.
AM: Starting with Jônt, tell me about the ambiance of this restaurant and why you wanted to open this in DC?
CHEF RR: DC is my home base; and where we were able to plant our roots. It was natural with the support that Bresca had received to want to build Jônt in the same city.
Jônt is a multi-room dining experience where we focus on Japanese seafood with techniques founded in the french kitchen and open fire cooking. The room is relaxed and plays vibrant music while guests are about twelve feet from the pass, where dishes are plated, at all times.
The opportunity offers each guest a front seat to watch our team prepare a meal for 2 hours, before moving into the pastry parlor and parting in a similar but even more relaxed environment.
AM: We love a tasting menu. Why did you decide that Jônt would have a tasting menu and how many courses does it include?
CHEF RR: With Bresca being down stairs and a la carte we wanted to create a restaurant that gave us the opportunity to really "geek out "on food and create a long menu of creative bites. The current offering is about 27 preparations from the kitchen this includes snacks, all the way to mignardises!
AM: What is the cuisine that is available at Jônt?
CHEF RR: Jônt offers a cuisine inspired by the seafood of japan and our foundational techniques of french cooking & wood fire. We offer a lot of seafood and 1-2 meat courses depending on the menu.
AM: Can you tell us about what kinds of things that are part of the tasting menu during the Summer?
CHEF RR: Stuffed Quail with Apricot and Rice, Crudo of Onagadai with fermented rice and cucumber, Ebodai and caviar tart, Tomato with shiro dashi and yuba, Japanese Matsutake in venison brodo (this just started, Beltfish in a whey emulsion with koji onions and caviar, White Peach with Wakamomo and Thai basil).
AM: Can you also pair alcohol with your meal that correlates to the dishes that are being served?
CHEF RR: Jont offers 3 beverage pairings. 2 of which are wine and one is non-alcoholic.
AM: What can guests look forward to in terms of the fall?
CHEF RR: As the fall starts to come into season we will continue on the path of Matsutake mushrooms, chestnuts, and some game meats will join the menu as well as fattier ocean creatures like Buri, Tuna, Shellfish.
AM: Jônt has 2 MICHELIN-stars - what does that mean to you?
CHEF RR: To me, it means we still have a ways to go in order to stand next to the best at the 3 star level. I cherish the 2 stars, but am motivated by them as well in order to make sure we know we can keep improving daily, as we still have not achieved the pinnacle of fine dining.
AM: What led you to want to open Ômo by Jônt and to have it in Winter Park in Orlando?
This concept is also a tasting menu but seems to have an interesting flow, and seems to have an interesting flow, and allows guests to move through 3 unique dining experiences - the Living Room, the Savory Counter, and Pastry Parlor - can you tell me more about these experiences and the kinds of dishes that are associated with it?
CHEF RR: Ômo has a similar ethos to Jônt. The space is created to take you through an experience where you start with snacks and champagne in the living room, move onto savory plated courses in the main counter, then finish with desserts in the pastry parlor - while listening to great music and engaging with the team throughout!
Dishes on the current menu…..
• Soba and roasted tomato with prawn
• Sweet corn chawanmushi with Hokkaido sea urchin
• Hokkaido Scallop with Artichoke Dashi & Tempura squash blossom stuffed with scallop mousse
• Dungeness Crab Rice cooked En Donabe
• Yellow Peach and Almond Tart with Peach “bomb” & Cookie
• Hazelnut and Kinako Kakigori
AM: You also received the Michelin Guide's 2024 Young Chef Award, what did that mean to you?
Are there any upcoming events that either Jônt or Ômo by Jônt will be involved in that we should keep an eye out for?
CHEF RR: There are so many events- and we are excited to work with some of our exclusive partners! Ômo By Jônt will host several dinners- one with IWA Sake on September 15th with Richard Geoffroy (formerly of Dom Perignon), and an October 10th event with the prestigious Hundred Acre Wine Vineyard.
At Jônt, since we are a Krug Ambassade - we are hosting The Maison on November 11th, which is an annual celebration; as well as a couple of chef collaboration events (check out our website and Instagram to see more)
The Young Chef award, for me, was a testament to each team - and the professional people that we have surrounded ourselves with - both teams at Ômo by Jônt and Jônt are world class, and deserve all the recognition that can be shined on them. Dedication and hard work is something in today's world that can be continued to thrive off of.
IG @r_ratino
PHOTOGRAPHY CREDIT | Jônt and Ômo by Jônt
Read the AUG ISSUE #104 of Athleisure Mag and see THE ART OF THE SNACK | Jônt and Ômo by Jônt.
Known as the greatest sport in 2 minutes, The Kentucky Derby takes place the first Saturday in May. Although last year's Derby was postponed until the fall of 2020, all eyes are on Louisville this year. The Kentucky Derby consists of a number of events that lead up the big race. Derby Week and Derby Day is filled with races, fun events, cocktails and food.
We caught up with Executive Chef David Danielson who has consulted on numerous large scale special events throughout the world including Super Bowl XLV, U.S. Open Tennis tournament, Summer Olympics in Beijing 2008, Winter Olympics in Vancouver 2010, Winter Olympics in Sochi in 2014, Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro in 2016, Lollapalooza, was the personal chef to The British Consulate General and has lent his expertise to PGA Tour events and the Grammy Awards. He is the co-author of The Bourbon Country Cook Book: New Southern Entertaining: 95 Recipes and More from a Modern Kentucky Kitchen. In addition to a number of appearances on-air nationally and locally, he was a celebrity judge on BRAVO Season 16's Top Chef.
Chef Danielson has been at Churchill Downs for 10 years. We caught up with him right before Derby Day to find out about his culinary background, why the Derby is so important, what the official menu is and how you can make it at home during your viewing parties if you won't be on site this year for the races on May 1st.
ATHLEISURE MAG: Can you tell me a little about your culinary background and how you came to Churchill Downs?
EXECUTIVE CHEF DAVID DANIELSON: I've been here for about 10 years and am classically trained in fine dining as my career began at Dumas Pere L’Ecole de la Cuisine Francaise in Chicago and continued at the Ecole Hotelier Tain l'Hermitage in France.
I continued working along with the industry's most renowned chefs in North America, Europe, the Caribbean, Asia and South America.
Before joining the team here at Churchill Downs, I was an Executive Chef at Rockefeller Center New York with Restaurant Associates and was Executive Chef of the United Nations Plaza Hotel in New York City, the Chicago Ritz Carlton, the Palmer House Hilton Chicago just to name a few.
When I was in NY, I started doing some large events and I spent the next few years doing the Olympics, the PGA, US Open Tennis and that's when it brought me here to Kentucky to be the chef at Churchill Downs. This is my 11th Derby and it's the most amazing sporting event that I have ever worked.
AM: Our Co-Founder grew up in Indiana and went to college at Indiana University so visiting Louisville regularly in the months, weeks and days leading up to the Kentucky Oaks and the Derby was filled with excitement! As the Executive Chef at Churchill Downs, what is Derby week like for you leading up to the big race typically?
EC DD: You know, like everybody else, it builds up and there is a ton of excitement. For us, it's lots of work. We have thousands and thousands of people coming through our doors. So we work, not only for months in planning and preparing for this, but then we get to Derby week and it's really about production. It's about getting everything organized and getting everything together. It's about getting with the fans and really creating an amazing experience for the whole week but certainly leading up to Derby day on Saturday!
AM: It's been quite a year, but with more people getting vacccines, we're seeing things opening up again like the upcoming Derby. What is it about the Derby that is such a great an event?
EC DD: The thing here is that it's a beautiful day out here. It's a combination of one amazing racing, it's the most exciting 2 minute sport plus amazing food, great drinks, fashion and you know you can feel the energy when people come in here. Everyone is watching the races and then you get a break. You get to make new friends, see old friends. It's really a day long party and a day long celebration. That's what really makes it unique for us.
AM: For those who will watch from home, what is the official meal for this year's derby and how can we recreate it at home?
EC DD: Every year we write a new menu and change it up. We try to give a new experience every year. One of the things that's so exciting this year is our partnership with Vidalia Onions. They are official partners of The Kentucky Derby and they are on our menu. We're featuring several of their onions in our recipes both here on our official menu as well as recipes that we have created for people to be making at home when they are watching the Derby. So that's a lot of fun for us.
AM: What is it about Vidalia onions that we should know about as it seems that much like Champagne is designated by its region, the same is true of this varietal.
EC DD: Absolutely, Vidalia Onions only come from 20 counties in Georgia and it's really a combination of the weather and the soil that makes these onions so unique and so special. They have a really great sweetness and crispness. They are really unique and different from any kind of onion. We love to showcase these amazing products. We also like the seasonality of it. They really come into season in the middle of April and then you see them in the grocery stores and they really available until about August.
AM: What are some tips that you can provide in order for those that are holding viewing festivities at home?
EC DD: One of the things that we're doing here is that we have several different dishes. We have chicken, a sauteéd chicken dish with Vidalia Onions and mushroom sauce which is really easy to make at home. But I love the versatility. We've got a black-eyed pea salad with some pickled Vidalia Onions. Then we've turned it into a chutney with some roasted down peaches putting that down over some barbecue pork sliders. There are just so many things that you can do with it that that is one of the things that we do when you're putting recipes together and looking at these menus, you're trying to find those ingredients that really stand out and make a difference when people bite into that and taste it. They say, "wow that's really something different and something that we don't see everyday." For us, that's the fun of being able to really showcase this type of product.
AM: These dishes sound great and whether it's making the official meal served at The Kentucky Derby or the one for those that are viewing at home, where can we get those recipes?
EC DC: You can visit and at the Recipe Central. The recipes will be there and we will be sharing all of these dishes as well as some other dishes. You can see them as well as try to make what we will enjoy here at Derby or those that are meant for viewers at home that we have created.
AM: What is your beverage of choice after completing a successful Derby week of events?
EC DD: The first one that I can get my hands on haha! It's a long week. I'm usually pretty careful as we work about 20 hours a day all week. So, when it's finally over Sat. night, I get home and I usually pour myself a couple fingers of bourbon haha.
IG @KYDerbyChef
PHOTOGRAPHY COURTESY | PG 62 Vidalia Onions | PG 60 + 65 The Kentucky Derby |
Read the Apr Issue #64 of Athleisure Mag and see Taste of Derby with Chef David Danielson in mag.
This month's The Art of the Snack takes us to Tribeca's Jungsik which is known as a culinary experience when dining at this Michelin 2 starred new Korean restaurant. We talked with Executive Chef Suyoung Park and Pastry Chef Eunji Lee, 2 women that continue to helm this experience through their menu. They talk about the restaurant, signature dishes, cocktails and desserts that we should enjoy when there.
ATHLEISURE MAG: Before we delve into Jungsik which we had the pleasure of attending an editor event for Sweet Seoul early last year, how do you define New Korean cuisine?
EXECUTIVE CHEF SUYOUNG PARK: The definition of new Korean cuisine is as follows: It is based on traditional Korean food but combined with various ingredients and techniques of the world. We’d like to introduce different tastes and a variety of new Korean cuisine.
AM: Jungsik is a 2 Michelin star restaurant. What does it mean to have this distinction and does this affect the way that one operates when having this?
EC SP: The authority of Michelin is well recognized in the world. Thanks to the grade of Michelin, people come to visit our restaurant because they expect steady taste and service. And even some people come to taste our food owing to the grade of Michelin. So I guess the grade of Michelin has had a positive effect on us. And especially when it comes to New York, 2 Michelin star grades are worth more. To that extent, we have more responsibility to keep the taste and quality.
AM: What can guests expect when they come to dine at Jungsik?
EC SP: Jungsik of New York has been rated as a 2 Michelin star restaurant since 2013. I guess people come to our restaurant because they expect our steady efforts, unchanged taste and our own way of giving good service.
AM: When we attended the Sweet Seoul editor event, we enjoyed the cocktails and array of soju that was offered. What are 3 cocktails that we should try when visiting?
EC SP: At the moment, we are about to launch a new cocktail, "Busanhaeng". (Calvados, absinthe, Ango, Port/Omita Molasses) an updated variation of our Su-Jeong-Gwa old fashioned with Islay scotch, rye, and a spiced (Su-Jeong-Gwa) syrup. The last has yet to be named, but will be a tom collins style cocktail with Damsol (pine) soju, quina wine, calamansi, and soda.
AM: Due to the pandemic, restaurants have had their operations change to accommodate the way they interact with guests. How has Jungsik, which is truly an experience when you’re able to eat there, been able to serve guests in terms of indoor dining and how have you incorporated pickup and delivery?
EC SP: We offer our guests three different ways of service now. Indoor, outdoor and delivery service. When we provide our guests indoor service, we keep the tables separated from each other by 6 feet. And all of our staff wear masks and gloves all the time when they work in the restaurant. We offer our guests cutlery wrapped separately, hand sanitizer and the QR code menu because of Corona Virus. Jungsik has built some personal outdoor rooms and we are doing our best to give safe and private fine dining to our guests. We started offering delivery to our customers that they can enjoy our fine dining service at their home. It consists of three courses, starting with salad, they can have rice, a main course, dessert and Petit fours within their own private places.
AM: Prior to coming to New York, you apprenticed under Jungsik himself in Seoul. What was it like to work with him and how has that affected how you operate today?
EC SP: Chef Yim is a very creative chef, and he took me in the world of fine dining as a pupil. Thanks to him, I became a chef. I learned a lot of things from him. He taught me leadership and how to create new techniques in cooking Korean cuisine.
AM: Tell us about your culinary background and how you came to Jungsik.
EC SP: I actually got my start into the food industry by studying Food Styling and working as a Food Stylist in Seoul, Korea. I found that it didn’t suit my creative mind, and started as an intern at the Millennium Hilton Hotel in Seoul, Korea. I honed my skills at the hotel and started to look for other, more ambitious kitchens, and found a place at Jungsik Seoul in 2013. For the next four years, I widened the breadth of my skills and rose from the position of line cook to Sous Chef. To further my knowledge and experience, in 2017 I worked overseas at Ms. G’s, a high regarded Two-Hat restaurant in Sydney, Australia. Here I expanded my knowledge on all types of Asian cuisine, particularly Southeast Asian. In 2018, I came stateside to work at ATOBOY, Chef Junghyun Park’s first restaurant venture. After traveling the world and gaining invaluable experiences in different metropolitan cities, I returned to Jungsik New York’s location as the Chef de Cuisine in 2019.
PASTRY CHEF EUNJI LEE: I moved to France in 2006 for baking and pastry, INBP (The French National Baking and Pastry Institute) and Ecole Ferrandi. Then I worked for 3 years in Ze Kitchen Galerie, a one Michelin-starred restaurant in Paris under Chef Williame Ledeuil, a 4 years in Hotel Le Meurice a three Michelin-starred restaurant in that period (it now 2-stars) under Chef Alain Ducasse and Cedric Grolet. And I got an offer from Chef Jungsik Yim so I finally came to NY as an executive pastry chef at Jungsik in 2016.
AM: Back in 2019, you were named a New York Rising Star by StarChefs and you won the Art of Presentation Award, why were you drawn to working with pastry?
PC EL: I have always loved art and eating, and I think pastry is an edible art. And love to see people’s face when they’re tasting my desserts. It makes me happy. I personally look for sweets when I get gloomy or stressed, so the reason why I love my job is being able to spread the happiness in the world via my sweets with not only visually but also with flavor, in our not-so-easy lives.
AM: How do you define your style of cooking?
EC SP: My principle of cuisine is to stick to the basic and make consistent dishes.
PC EL: Korean heritage french techniques and acclimated to New York.
AM: When creating the menu, can you tell us where the inspiration for your dishes come from?
EC SP: All my inspiration comes from the ingredients and dishes I like. We all become creative when we make the best use of the past memory. All the best menus start from what we like or enjoy. They will gain popularity or recognition if we do our best with what we like and what we are able to do.
PC EL: I get inspired anywhere, anytime, by anything. Sometimes by seasonal fruits and ingredients, sometimes by visual objects, sometimes by Korean culture and food, and sometimes I get inspiration from a strange flavor or ingredient that I’ve never used so it is challenging and exciting.
AM: What are 3 appetizers that you suggest?
EC SP: Our signature appetizer would be Fried Oysters with Seaweed Aioli. Secondly, it would be our Octopus; braised octopus with Gochujang Sauce. Thirdly, it would be Korean beef tartare. The guests love our dishes because of their distinct Korean style and taste.
AM: What are 3 signature dishes we should order?
EC SP: We have the 5 and 7-course menus as our signature. Especially, as mentioned earlier, Octopus, Crispy Kimbap and Wagyu Galbi are our representative menu.
AM: Are there vegan and vegetarian dishes?
EC SP: We also give a vegan or vegetarian menu. Vegetables Jeon and Crispy veggie kimbap would be their best choice.
AM: What are 3 desserts that we should try at Jungsik?
PC EL: The baby banana, our signature dessert. It is banana cremeux, dulcey mousse, and banana baileys cake. The NY-Seoul, which is one of my favorite dessert because it exactly expresses my mingled identity, it is Korean brown rice cream, French puff pastry choux and American style of corn cookie dough. Our truffle cone is another seasonal signature dessert only for truffle season, made with black truffle ice cream & cream, in a chocolate waffle cone.
AM: What is your process like when you’re working with each other?
EC SP: We always share our opinions with each other when we try to make a new menu. Chef Eunji helps me a lot and participates in helping me make decisions for the restaurant. Chef Eunji always cheers me up and gives me strength.
PC EL: We discuss about ingredients that we’d like to use and thoughts for the menu, then taste dishes and share ideas together.
IG @Jungsik_Inc
Read the Mar Issue #63 of Athleisure Mag and see The Art of the Snack | Jungsik in mag.
We swung by TSISMIS NYC for dinner and enjoyed a number of savory dishes, cocktails and chill vibes only. Executive Chef Jappy Afzelius, took time to fine out more about this eclectic restaurant.
ATHLEISURE MAG: Tell us about your culinary background, where you trained and restaurants you worked in and a bit about TSISMIS NYC!
CHEF JAPPY AFZELIUS: I'm Filipino born and I learned the fundamentals of French cooking under Alain Ducasse at Chez Allard Bistro in Paris and Benoit Bistro in New York. From there I worked at David Burke Fabrick and the Michelin Bib Gourmand Manila Social Club. Then, I went to Italy, studying the "Slow Food Movement", a grassroots organization devoted to preventing the disappearance of local food cultures and traditions, and in 2018 received my Master's in Food Culture and Communications from the University of Gastronomic Science in Piedmont, Italy. I traveled extensively throughout Europe as well as Japan to further discover global cuisines. At TSISMIS NYC, I deliver a unique menu developed in collaboration with the restaurant's owners and the culinary team, from home-grown recipes with influences from Spanish, Mediterranean and other Asian cuisines.
AM: How do you define the style of cooking that can be enjoyed here?
CHEF JA: Our style of cooking at TSISMIS NYC is eclectic. We use a lot of different techniques that I’ve learned throughout the years and also apply basic science like fermentation and pickling as well. We blend and balance a lot of different flavors together.
AM: What are 3 signature dishes that you suggest?
CHEF JA: The 3 signature dishes from TSISMIS NYC that your readers should know about our Kale Laing, Tinapa Croquetas and Aligue Pasta. I feel that these 3 dishes are what represent TSISMIS NYC as a restaurant and they are crowd favorites as well.
AM: What are 3 signature cocktails that you suggest our readers should enjoy?
CHEF JA: Our cocktails are definitely a must try and the Pickle Pepper Punch, A la Bira and Tsismosa are our signature cocktails that guests love to pair with our food most often.
AM: With the holiday season in full swing, are there any special events or meals that we should keep on our radar?
CHEF JA: We just launched our Boodle Yan special, which I believe you'll enjoy:
Boodle-Yan is a unique dining experience that showcases the rich culinary culture of the Philippines, combining a boodle fight’s military camp style of eating on long tables with the kamayan practice of eating with your hands. The traditional meal celebrates camaraderie and inspires festivity.
This Filipino feast will include a plethora of traditional items with creative touches including chicken, beef, pork, shrimp, fish, fresh vegetables, seasonal fruits and rice, artfully arranged across a bed of banana leaves. All items can be adjusted upon request to fit dietary restrictions and allergies.
To fully submerge in the cultural adventure, guests will dine without any utensils, using only their hands to eat the feast before them.
Boodle-Yan is available only on Sundays from 11am to 8pm through reservation only. There is a six person minimum to reserve. The experience is priced at $45 per person and includes a complimentary glass of sangria.
Read the latest issue of Athleisure Mag and see The Art of the Snack | TSISMIS NYC in mag.
This month, we headed to Cipriani Wall Street to the 13th Annual Autism Speaks Celebrity Chef Gala which is a phenomenal event that has a number of top acclaimed chefs and culinary institutions serving its 400 guests 4 courses of curated meals tableside. In addition to watching these meals that differed by table, attendees heard about a number of the successes that this organization provides for those who are on the spectrum and their family and friends who support them. Since 2007, the Chef Gala has raised more than $13 million in support of the autism community to raise money for research, advocacy, programs and services that support people with autism and their families. This year's event was hosted by Chef Andrew Zimmern along with Co-Chairs, Christina Tosi (Restaurateur and Founding Chef of Milk Bar) and Matt Higgins the Co-Founder/CEO of RSE Ventures, Vice Chairman of Miami Dolphins and Guest Shark on ABC's Shark Tank. It honored Tim Jones, CEO of Publicis Media Americas.
We wanted our readers to know more about autism, what Autism Speaks as an organization provides and to find out more on some of the acclaimed chefs that participated in this event!
ATHLEISURE MAG: What is autism and what does it means to be on the spectrum?
AUTISM SPEAKS: Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. According to the Centers for Disease Control, autism affects an estimated 1 in 59 children in the United States today.
We know that there is not one autism but many subtypes, most influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Because autism is a spectrum disorder, each person with autism has a distinct set of strengths and challenges. The ways in which people with autism learn, think and problem-solve can range from highly skilled to severely challenged.
Some people with ASD may require significant support in their daily lives, while others may need less support and, in some cases, live entirely independently.
AM: What signs should parents be aware of that indicate that their child could have autism?
AS: Indicators of autism usually appear by age 2 or 3. Some associated development delays can appear even earlier, and often, it can be diagnosed as early as 18 months. Research shows that early intervention leads to positive outcomes later in life for people with autism.
Many children with autism do not show signs, and some who do not have autism show some. That’s why professional evaluation is critical in diagnosing autism. The signs of autism depend on the age of a child and can vary widely – from avoidance of eye contact to lack of babbling or speech to repetitive behaviors.
The M-CHAT (Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers™) can help you determine if a professional should evaluate your child. This simple online autism risk screening questionnaire, available on our website, takes only a few minutes. If you have any concerns about your child's development, don't wait. Speak to your doctor about screening.
AM: How is Autism Speaks a resource to those that are affected by autism whether they have it themselves or are connected to someone that is?
AS: Autism Speaks is dedicated to promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the life span, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. We do this through advocacy and support; increasing understanding and acceptance of people with autism spectrum disorder; and advancing research into causes and better interventions for autism spectrum disorder and related conditions.
AM: We enjoyed attending the gala at Cipriani and it was amazing to see that the auction raised over $100K. Are there other events that Autism Speaks has for the remainder of the year that we should keep an eye out for?
AS: This year, thanks to the generosity of both the wonderful chefs and all who attended, Autism Speaks raised $1.3M from the Celebrity Chef Gala. There are many other ways to support Autism Speaks’ mission year-round; you can find more at There are also hundreds of autism-friendly events listed on
We had the chance to talk with Autism Speak's President, Angela Geiger at this event to find out about the initiatives that they are focused on as well as why this event in particular is one that is so important to them in terms of their partnership with those in the culinary community. We also interviewed some of our favorite chefs who are at some of the top restaurants in the world.
ANGELA GEIGER | President of Autism Speaks
ATHLEISURE MAG: Why is Autism Speaks so important and what are those initiatives that you are trying to get out about that?
ANGELA GEIGER: We’re celebrating our 15th anniversary of Autism Speaks next year. In the world of health disorders, it’s a short time. The amount of progress that has been made because of the legacy organizations and Autism Speaks being a big tent and really welcoming everyone no matter where you are on the spectrum, and now not just for kids but as adults who have autism who needs support too.
AM: How important is this event in terms of working with the culinary community and having this kind of partnership?
AG: I think one of the really fun things about tonight, is that it allows us to celebrate big victories like things that Autism Speaks has done to help tons of people and it also shines a light on small victories like one of the things that we are going to talk about tonight is and Instagram post that was shared recently where someone tried toast for the first time and it was a really big thing for their family. So it’s important for us to really remember that all of this matters.
AM: How do you feel about your role in this organization and what are the challenges that you’re looking at and excited to take on as we close this year out and go into the next one?
AG: I think that one of the biggest challenges is that autism is a spectrum and there are people with very different challenges and very different opportunities. Making sure that we’re welcoming for everybody is one of the most important things that we can do!
CHEF MARIA LOI Owner & Chef of Loi Estiatorio,
ATHLEISURE MAG: What are your 3 favorite dishes at your restaurant?
CHEF MARIA LOI: Branzino that’s for sure. The Bean Soup – I love it and eat it everyday! And of course, my yogurt!
AM: What are 3 ingredients that you like to always have on hand that is used in a number of the dishes that you like to create?
CHEF ML: Yes of course, it’s easy for me. I always like to have beans, olive oil and honey!
IG @ChefMar
CHEF GABRIEL KREUTHER Owner and Michelin Two Star Chef of Gabriel Kreuther, NY, NY
ATHLEISURE MAG: We had the pleasure of enjoying a meal at Eataly via their Chefs Collaborations with your Chef Adam Hill last fall around this time which was phenomenal! Can you share with us the 3 signature dishes that we should be eating at Gabriel Kreuther.
CHEF GABRIEL KREUTHER: I think one of them is the Sturgeon and Sauerkraut Tart, I’m known for the Foie Gras so the Foie Gras Terrine and Pistachio Praline and the Tarte Flambee it’s something that I grew up with that I I love as it’s a simple thing flatbread with cheese and some bacon. But then there is also the Squab and Foie Gras Crostini – it keeps changing with the seasons!
AM: What are your 3 favorite ingredients that you like to cook with?
CHEF GK: Well strangely enough, it keeps moving too – seasonality and too much of the same thing, it’s kind of like you don't want it anymore. I love simple things and also things that are more luxurious. I love caviar in general, I love foie gras in general, but I also love simple things like sauerkraut. So, I like to combine very very simple things with very luxurious things! Right now, I am looking to use the white truffle as the season has just started. Chestnuts are beautiful right now and it just depends and comes down to the mood that you’re in and what you’re looking for and some day you want something more fancy and other days you want something more homey. It all depends – it’s like do you want to drink a good beer or a nice wine? What’s your mood?
AM: We couldn’t agree more and why was it important for you to be participating within this event?
CHEF GK: Well, first of all, it’s very rare to see so many chefs together. It shows also that when an industry wants to come together to do something, and to help science out – we can actually do nice things! I’m always keen to try to help out to raise money in hopes of making a difference somewhere. It’s shown that everything that has been done over the years has made a difference and I think there is hope when people come together to make that difference. Hopefully, making peoples lives come together and to continue that hope is what it’s about!
CHEF RALPH SCAMARDELLA Chef and Partner of Tao Group
ATHLEISURE MAG: We are huge fans of the Tao Group as there are a number of restaurants and moods that you present there. What are 3 signature dishes that we should be trying whether it’s one of your favorite restaurants or various ones throughout your portfolio?
RALPH SCAMARDELLA: Thank you so much! Well at Tao – each Tao is divided up a little bit differently, so they’re unique. The original one (Tao Uptown) has the Satay Bass which is the most iconic dish and downtown (Tao Downtown) we did it a little more of a Chinese style we did some dishes from China like a whole fish – Snapper that’s deep fried and served with garlic and roasted onions. Of course at Lavo, we have our 1lb meatball which we’re world famous for!
AM: And what about the cocktails? What are 3 that we should have in mind on our next visit?
RS: Oh yeah, the Pama Sutra which is Milagro Silver Tequila mixed with Pomegranate Liqueur and Fresh Lime. The TAO-tini is another great one with Belvedere Mango Passion Vodka, Malibu Rum, Cranberry and Fresh Lime. I like a good Manhattan too! I’m more of a beer and wine guy myself!
AM: When you’re not working, what are 3 things that you like to do?
RS: Sleeping, hanging out with the kids and trying to do as many activities as I can and doing yard work and stuff like that. I like gardening, trees and plants – getting into it.
IG @TaoGroup
CHEF MATT HOYLE Chef of Nobu 57
ATHLEISURE MAG: We are huge fans of Nobu what are 3 signature dishes that our readers should enjoy on their next visit?
MATT HOYLE: Nobu Signature dishes – definitely the Black Cod, also the Yellowtail Jalapeño and maybe one of the Tempura dishes like the King Crab or the Sea Urchin.
AM: That definitely sounds good. What are 3 ingredients that you like to use when you’re making your dishes?
MH: So Wagyu Beef in Japan. You don’t need huge amounts of it, but a few bites of it is so nice. I also love some Uni and Sea Urchin from Japan and some from Santa Barbara, California tonight which will have a slightly different taste
AM: Where do you get your inspiration from when you’re creating these dishes?
MH: From the ingredients and then you have all of the things out there. You put them out for customers and you do it a few times and the response is, “yeah it’s great.” You think about that and when you’re making something else, you think back to those dishes to bring them back in a new way! It’s a process and it’s great!
CHEF TONY NGUYEN Executive Chef of Crustacean Beverly Hills and Da Lat Rose, Beverly Hills, CA
ATHLEISURE MAG: What are your go to foods?
CHEF TONY NGUYEN: I’m a midwestern boy from St Louis, Missouri – so we know good food, we know comfort food! My go to is fried foods! I love fried chicken, my fiancé makes the best creole food – Jambalaya, Gumbo, smothered chicken and even biscuits and gravy! These are great and when we came here to NY, of course we had to try the pizza, the bagels and more!
AM: Before we talk about your new restaurant that you’re opening, can you tell us about Crustacean Beverly Hills and 3 signature dishes that we should try?
CHEF TN: OK now, the top 3 signature dishes at Crustacean Beverly Hills, The Garlic Noodles, The Roasted Garlic Crab OVER the Garlic Noodles and then something that we brought here tonight is the Tuna Cigars. We made a fake cigar out of an eggroll wrapper if you will, stuffed it with tuna poke and avocado and putting it in a cigar box. If you open it, there might be some smoke that comes out! It’s a nice little starter!
The new restaurant is call Da Lat Rose. Da Lat is a little town in Vietnam that is very similar to San Francisco. Da Lat means the “City of Eternal Spring” and there are a lot of vegetables year around. We’re not talking about peas only being good in March, they’re good the whole year! Just like California, the avocados are good all year. Even here, let’s be real. You can get a decent tomato year around even though they are the best in the summer time. In February, I think that we can both find a good one!
AM: What are your 3 favorite ingredients to cook with?
CHEF TN: Three favorite ingredients – I love garlic, I love shallots ok! My last favorite ingredient is eggs because you can make so many things out of them!
PHOTO CREDITS | Getty Images
Read the Oct Issue of Athleisure Mag and see Autism Speaks Chefs Gala 2019 in mag.
The summer is definitely moving fast and a few weeks ago, right before Father’s Day, we shared with you about how you could win tickets to play at the exclusive Liberty National Golf Club. We’re excited for next month’s premier golf event for THE NORTHERN TRUST PGA TOUR’s FedExCup Playoffs that take place from August 7th - 11th at the Liberty National Golf Club in Jersey City, NJ. We’re excited to take in a day of the top 125 elite PGA TOUR talent competing during this event and you can get in on the fun too as THE NORTHERN TRUST has a number of ways to watch this golf match in a luxurious setting and of course, we have the scoop on what we’re looking at and links to find out more. Remember, THE NORTHERN TRUST will not be back in NJ until 2021 at this members-only club so this is definitely the year.
There are many ways to enjoy the game this year! This year there are premium food and beverage options including a signature Grey Goose cocktail, THE NORTHERN TRUST offers unique entertainment with breathtaking views (especially during a professional sporting event) of the NYC skyline and Statue of Liberty throughout the course. Ticket options include all price points, ranging from daily grounds, to a value Family Ticket Package. THE NORTHERN TRUST has seen an unprecedented level of hospitality sales and momentum with most of the premium offerings and experiences sold out, making this THE FOMO WORTHY – NEAR SOLD OUT - EVENT OF THE SUMMER. In addition to the packages that we will breakdown below, please note that the family ticket package is no longer available, but as a replacement, parents/guardians can purchase a grounds ticket for themselves for $35pp and any number of children under 18 that they bring, will be granted access for free.
We’re excited for the Liberty Club which is available for $7,500 that offers a first-class experience with exclusive access that includes all-inclusive dining by Executive Chef Shaun Lewis (formerly of The White Elephant in Nantucket and The Pierre Hotel in NYC), an exclusive and private shopping experience, concierge service, opportunities for player meet-and-greets, high-end furnishings, VIP ferry arrival, design elements and keepsakes from contemporary artist Peter Tunney, and so much more. Purchase this here.
THE ULTRA CLUB is located on Liberty National’s par-3 14th floor and has unparalleled views of the Manhattan skyline and Statue of Liberty. This stylish and all-inclusive upgraded food and beverage options experience is available for $395/per day on Sat and Sun only with very limited spots available on these days. Enjoy taking in the game in a climate-controlled venue. Play interactive games provided by Michelob ULTRA, including Skee Putt and Par Darts, high-end private restrooms and TVs to watch the tournament broadcast. You can purchase customizable ticket options for single and multi-day access. Purchase this ticket here.
Known as the “Clubhouse on the Course”, The Anchor Club presented by Grey Goose is a double decker hospitality venue which has a modern rooftop lounge vibe with views of the 18th and 1st Fairways and the 2nd Green for $160 on Wed and $185/per day Thursday through Sun. Note that there are not many spots open for this package.
Guests will enjoy amazing views, climate controlled interior and an open air covered second level with soft seating and a rooftop vibe. There is a curated food menu and premium beverages that are available for purchase as well as high end provate restrooms. TVs to watch the tournament broadcast as well as being able to enjoy the signature cocktail of THE NORTHERN TRUST, the Anchor Fizz which was created specifically for the tournament.
This year, there will also be two Topgolf Swing Suite GO Simulators for guests to use - these simulators are used by the top PGA TOUR pros like Tiger Woods, Jordan Spieth and Jason Day when they do their off-course practice. Purchase this ticket here.
If you’re heading to the tournament, we have the scoop on the best ways to get there below!
Read the latest issue of Athleisure Mag.
We're only a few weeks away from the official start of Spring. Restaurants are the perfect seasonless escape as our favorite dishes, beverages and ambiance awaits us. Dos Caminos, a popular Mexican restaurant with locations in NYC is part of the BR Guest Hospitality group, and is known as a place to enjy savory and sweet options along with an array of cocktails that are always perfect to enjoy for lunch, happy hour, dinner or late night drinks.
This month's food editorial, shot at the Park Ave location, shares key dishes that can be enjoyed on your next visit. We chatted with Executive Chef Ivy Stark about how she came to work at the restaurant and why this is a haven for New Yorkers and tourists!
ATHLEISURE MAG: Tell us about your background and what led to you become a chef.
IVY STARK: I grew up in Colorado and loved to cook from the time I was a young child. My father was a hotelier so I sort of grew up in the business. I remember loving going to the restaurant shows and seeing the displays of chaud-froid and ice carvings and being enthralled. After studying history in college, an eating tour of Europe convinced me that I wanted to wanted to be a chef. I returned to the U.S. and started cooking school in New York.
AM: Prior to being the Executive Chef at Dos Caminos, where else have you been and how long have you been at Dos Caminos?
IS: I've been at Dos Caminos for 14 years, before that I worked at the Border Grill and Ciudad in Los Angeles, and then moved back to New York and worked at some great fine dining restaurants such as Sign of the Dove, Cena and Amalia.
AM: What is it like being a chef at Dos Caminos and what is a day in the life like being there?
IS: It is amazing being the chef here. I have a wonderful brand to work with and a great staff that's my second family. Typically, I spend the day in the kitchens overseeing the food going out to the dining rooms. I will spend some time in the test kitchen doing research and development for new menu items and specials, and then I do have to do some administrative work, reviewing schedules, food costs, working with vendors to ensure we get the best products.
AM: What elements of your cooking style have influenced the menu?
IS: My style is to be creative, but to respect authenticity, and the foundation of Mexican cuisine I have learned from great traditional cooks in my travels through Mexico and my ongoing study of the ever-evolving Mexican kitchen. I love bold flavors, and beautiful colors presented simply and naturally.
AM: How does the Dos Caminos menu reflect the seasons?
IS: We are dedicated to keeping our menu seasonal and change it four times a year to reflect that, only using in-season produce. In addition, we look at the seasons in terms of textures, temperatures and flavors - lighter, cooler fare in the summer and heartier fare in the winter.
AM: During the winter and early spring, what can we look forward to on the menu?
IS: We are in the process of working on our spring menu right now, we will be looking at what we can do with ramps, asparagus, spring radishes and onions, fava beans, pineapples, and strawberries. New York weather is fickle, sometimes spring comes around in March and sometimes we have to wait until June.
| LEFT Prickly Pear Margarita | RIGHT El Camino Margarita |
AM: What classics are mainstays on the menu and which ones get updated from time to time?
IS: The Dos Enchiladas - roast chicken enchiladas with mole poblano is a longtime crowd pleaser, as is our Shrimp Quesadilla; guests come in to order these specific items so we leave them alone. We are always looking at ways to items to reflect dining trends, but we listen to our guests' feedback. If they want us to leave something alone, we leave it alone. We have a seasonal guacamole that is updated four times a year based on the best available produce. We always have a rotating assortment of amazing seasonal ice creams and sorbets. Those are a couple of items that you can count on changing.
| Cazuela de Camarones |
AM: What are your favorite dishes on the menu - from appetizer, main dish, sides and dessert?
IS: I am asked that question all the time and it's really a bit cruel - it's like asking who is my favorite friend! With that said, today if I were dining at Dos Caminos I would have the guacamole, persimmon salad, grilled Mahi Mahi tacos, Mexican street corn, and the sweet corn flan to finish; tomorrow I might choose a different menu.
AM: Is there a secret menu at Dos Caminos?
IS: There is - we have a secret shrimp guacamole, a chicken quesadilla, and a very special brunch item - the quesadilla benedict.
AM: One of our favorite times to swing by is during Happy Hour - what are key beverages that we should try on our next visit?
IS: You can't go wrong with our El Camino margarita, we use freshly squeezed juice for our sour mix and there is no substitute. I like mine up, very cold, with salt. We also make a killer red and white sangria.
| LEFT Persimmon Salad | RIGHT Elote de Calle |
| Mahi Mahi Tacos |
| Sweet Corn Flan |
Read more from the Feb Issue as well as see Athleisure Kitchen's Dos Caminos in mag here.