The beginning of the year makes us think about new projects we're taking on, our goals, and it's that time of year that you begin about getting your home in order for upcoming events and gatherings as Spring is on the way! We caught up with power couple Egypt Sherrod and Mike Jackson who we know from an array of HGTV shows including Married to Real Estate and Property Virgins. They talk with us on how they got into Real Estate, Interior Design, and construction. They also talk about how they work with one another, aesthetics in design for our homes and how they have partnered with TurboTax to keep their business flow on track.
ATHLEISURE MAG: It’s so great to meet both of you!
EGYPT SHERROD: You as well!
MIKE JACKSON: How are you?
AM: I am very good! I have been a fan of yours Egypt since your WBLS days.
ES: Oh wow! Thank you!
AM: Of course I have enjoyed seeing you on HGTV as well Mike.
It's great to see you guys on, Married to Real Estate to see your power coupleship, navigating properties, and projects. How did both of you come to working in real estate, home renovation, and design?
MJ: Okay. Well, for me, mine is pretty simple as it pertains to real estate. My wife said, “get your license or I'm not going to be your friend.” – no haha!
ES: It kind of went like that!
MJ: So you know, proximity, for me!
AM: Right!
MJ: On a serious note, you know, she came to me one day. We were having lunch, and she mentioned, “babe, I'm giving a lot of referrals away. Why don’t you get your license? This way, we can keep it all in-house and it will save us a lot of money and garner us a lot of money. So, in that moment, I thought about it. And the next day, I was right at it, you know, taking the classes getting the material and got my license to be a Real Estate Agent. My wife’s a Broker Agent, but however, at this moment, my license is parked so at any moment, I can unpark it and actually practice, right?
AM: Wow!
ES: But, he's so busy running the construction and that part of the business, that I think that that only allows all of us to super serve our clients.
MJ: Yeah, that's right.
I'm sorry. I got into all of that and looked at her and got flabbergasted.
ES: Whatever ha! Stop flirting, stay focused!
MJ: What was the rest of that question?
AM: Well, how well, just how both of you came to this because it's amazing?
ES: Yeah, well, you said, you remembered me from WBLS. I think that's a perfect example of how we don't have to be a one trick pony at all.
AM: Exactly.
ES: I was obviously a radio personality, but developed a passion and love for Real Estate investing so much that I got my license and became an agent, and I had a dual career which, is then, what led me to television because, as I would talk about on the radio all of my exciting exploits in real estate and making it funny for people, HGTV heard and came calling. That started Property Virgins and then Flipping Virgins and then together Married to Real Estate! Actually, it started on Mike's phone during the Covid years – Married to Real Estate did.
AM: Oh wow!
ES: Many people don't know that story, but you know, it was a natural evolution that really developed through a passion and a thirst for building and leaving a legacy for our family.
MJ: That’s right!
And for me as it pertains to, you know, because you asked for Real Estate, construction, and design, I have always been doing construction with my grandfather and uncle since I was a kid.
AM: Oh wow.
ES: They have their own construction company and they would pull me in and bring me on because they sat aside and saw that I was able to do this stuff without being asked to do it. They saw something in me and said, "listen, come along with us and follow suit,” which I did. And I'm so glad I did. I've always been a creative. I enjoy seeing something, start from nothing, and become something. And in construction, that's what we do all day, you know. We tear it down, and we build it back up. And it was, it was inevitable because I was doing construction while I was touring around the world as a DJ.
AM: Ok, now.
ES: It was like I was DJing at 4am and then at 7am, I'm on somebody’s construction site. It was always there for me and then in New York City, working with the Local 28 Trade and then coming to Georgia and owning my own company, it was like, inevitable.
AM: Well, are there 3 key design elements that are going to be trends in 2025? Whether you know you're here in New York and looking to renovate your space or maybe you're buying home. What are 3 trends that we should be keeping an eye out for?
ES: So number one, as a designer, I'm the principal of a design firm as well at Indigo Road. The one thing I tell all my designers is to be classic. Really embrace the client's aesthetic. Don't follow the trend. Why? Because trends come and go, and if we start designing our home based on trends, you're going to lose money fast every year, every 2 years you're going to want to redesign. But if you do something classic and timeless, then, you can change things up with art and pillows, which you know are a lot more affordable!
So what I will tell you that some of the things that I think are going to be timeless: #1 is, you can change a space, and this is becoming even more popular - you can change the space just with a can of paint. It's inexpensive, you can do it as many times as you want to and you can give the space a totally different feel. So, doing color drenches – color drenches are when the moldings, the walls, the ceiling, everything is the same color, and so you have this amazing, beautiful, colorful canvas to furnish. We're bringing color back, because we went through the years where everything was beige and everything was gray. Now, everybody is embracing color again. So you’re gonna see a lot more of that in 2025!
Arches. We’re bringing arches back (singing it to the melody of Justin Timberlake’s SexyBack).
AM: Nice!
ES: Yes beautiful arches are coming back and that’s coming back in with the wabi-sabi aesthetic (Editor’s Note: Wabi-Sabi is a Japanese aesthetic that embraces imperfection and transience. It’s a philosophy that encourages people to find beauty in imperfection and accept the natural cycle of life. In interior design, it focuses on natural and weathered materials. It often has a rustic and organic feel).
We're also bringing more of the outdoors in with organic luxe and I truly think and this is classic, right? When we were all locked inside for a few years, everybody wanted to get out, to feel nature, and touch.
AM: Yes.
ES: So now, this is being reflected in design where everybody's, like, open my house up. No, I don't mean open floor plan, I mean, open the entire house up. I want just a courtyard of plants in my house.
I want you to knock out the entire back of my house and make it a door that just opens up to the backyard, you know?
AM: Yeah!
ES: Let the outdoors in because I want to feel nature. So, organic luxe as an aesthetic I think it's here to stay, bringing plants and using natural wood.
AM: I love that.
Tell me a bit about the Marriage and Money podcast you guys have. I love this.
MJ: Oh wow, where do we start with that? So, the Marriage and Money podcast is exactly what you hear – we deal with marriage and we talk about money and everything in between. We've had a plethora of guests that have been amazing. It's another idea where you know, in the midst of nowhere I said, “babe, I think we need to reach a different audience, you know, let's create this podcast because we have more to say.”
ES: And I said, no. I said, do not give me another job. Please don’t put anything else on the plate.
AM: Yeah.
ES: Mike is full of ideas! He’s totally the idea guy. I’m the – what do you call me, the Wide Receiver or the Running Back?
MJ: Wide Receiver.
ES: Yeah, and he’ll get me on board with it and I’ll just start running it and working with it!
But no, I'll say this, he was right yet, again. It's fun. It's a catharsis for us and it’s where we let our hair down, because even though our guests and we're talking money, and we're getting into marriage - we have so much freaking fun on the show!
MJ: Yes!
ES: So, we’re very excited!
MJ: And our audience and our fans and our fams – F-A-M-S - fams that’s what we call them because they're more like family. They get to see a different side of us that they may not be used to to get familiar with, right? And one of the things that I love about the podcast is that, you know, it causes others to think and to look at each other when they're listening or watching the podcast because I can't tell you how many times folks have come up to us and say, “listen, I sat down with my husband or my wife and we worked it out because of that particular episode.”
ES: Yeah, or even you know what it allows us to do is teach people through the schools of hard knocks that we had to learn from. Be it in marriage, you know, but also in business, we have made a lot of mistakes, and we're very transparent about it. We could have done things easier and faster, but now we have resources and tools, whereas before we didn't.
MJ: Right.
ES: So on our podcast, we opened Pandora's Box by providing education and resources as well.
AM: You guys have partnered with TurboTax. So, in thinking of like, how important is transparency, especially in couples, you know when you're doing your taxes together? Why did you guys want to work with the brand? I mean transparency and finances is key!
ES: People often ask, how have y'all been together for over 21 years like you seem so perfect!
AM: Yup!
ES: The first thing that we do is chuckle because we've had our hard moments and a lot of them have evolved around business and money.
MJ: Mmm hmm.
ES: It's revolved around taxes. He's the doer, right? And then I'm the organizer. I’d be sitting at the kitchen table with receipts falling out of my ears and my hair just trying to dig us out and to make sense of it all.
MJ: We literally just said a few months ago, when we were doing taxes, that we need to let someone else do this for us from now on. And it made perfect sense for us to partner with TurboTax you know, moving forward.
ES: Then, when you learn, you're like, wait a minute? What have we been doing, all of our lives right? Like, why didn’t we know? So, for us, obviously, we are a champion for the spirit of entrepreneurship. We want people to step out, you know, step on faith and go after the life and careers of their dreams. We want them so we don't want to scare them, which is why we said, you know, what? Let's go out and let everybody know what tools are available. And so, what we loved about this partnership with TurboTax is that number one, they are experts, and they literally have folks who specialize in business taxes. TurboTax Business provides small business owners and solopreneurs access to unlimited live expert help to get your taxes prepared and filed.
That's not what many of us went to school for. We don't want to sit around here doing this. We don't know either. We don’t know all of the deductions that are available for us. So then we lose money because we simply didn't know, trying to save money and not wanting to pay somebody else. They're affordable so, even if you're smaller, just starting out and then they also offer year-round tracking. So, they give you that support year around, because you know with business, you have to file taxes more than once! They provides unlimited year-round expert support at no extra cost, and provides 100% audit protection and accuracy guaranteed. Businesses are matched with a small business tax expert who will securely prepare, sign, and file their taxes virtually.
AM: Exactly.
ES: These are some of the incredible tools that we found value in for our lives and for our business to help us simplify. In short, to get accuracy and peace of mind.
AM: That part.
MJ: I also love how they have the option of integrating their platforms between MailChimp. Turbotax and QuickBooks.
ES: Many people don't even know that they're the same company. But again, that's a business solution. That's an all-in-one package for you to be able to really level up your game and simplify.
I’d love to just kind of encourage everybody as my middle name is Bargain Value and I love giving value to others! So there's something going on that everybody needs to know about. So if you get your business taxes done with TurboTax, you can also get 20% off of your personal taxes right now. So you need to go to for more details on that.
AM: Are there any other projects coming up that we should keep an eye out for because I'm always seeing you guys doing tons of stuff?
ES: As far as what we have coming up – we’re talking about March 12th S4 Married to Real Estate is coming at you so put that on your calendar! The podcast.
MJ: The podcast, we’re getting ready to do more episodes of that!
A Thousand Women.
ES: A Thousand Women Owned is my non-profit that we were about to do the formal launch of next month! Our goal is to help, support, provide resources for, and encouragement for a thousand women-owned businesses.
AM: Wow!
MJ: Yes yes
ES: BY 2030, We want to help a thousand women own businesses level up to get the grants that they need to start or to continue running as well.
MJ: And then you can catch somebody I know on, HGTV's Smart Home 2025, as the host!
AM: Ok Mike!
ES: Mike is hosting!
AM: Oh nice, that's amazing. Well, it's always good to see you guys anf I look forward in seeing your upcoming projects.
PHOTOGRAPHY COURTESY | PG 113 PG Egypt Sherrod + Mike Jackson | PG 114 TurboTax
Read the FEB ISSUE #110 of Athleisure Mag and see THE POWER OF YOUR HOME | HGTV’s Egypt Sherrod + Mike Jackson in mag.