The holidays are the perfect time to take some time to read a number of newsletters that you subscribe to but never get the chance to. It's no surprise that we're fans of Pressed Juicery and in addition to their emails that share upcoming flavors that are available, we look forward to their blog, The Chalkboard Mag which shares a number of finds in the wellness space.
We were introduced to a phenomenal pasta artist who uses a number natural veggies to die the colors of her medium. Check out the original article here on TCM. This whimsical artists' Instagram is so colorful and there are many ways that she shares her talent via @SaltySeattle. Like many that embark on a journey, Linda Miller Nicholson realized that her toddler wasn't a fan of vegetables so she hid it within the pasta. She uses a number of 100% natural dyes which include turmeric, beets, spices, beets and more! The amount of designs and classic pasta shapes that she has made are astounding! We definitely need to check her out the next time we're in Seattle.
Make sure you check out her 29 pasta flavors and add some color into your meals!