Many people have tight or inflexible bodies before they started doing yoga. If you think you can’t do yoga because your body is just not that stretchy, think again. Yoga is, in fact, suitable for people who aren’t flexible.
To start off, yoga is more than just an exercise and is believed to provide holistic benefits the way ancient people believed in the healing powers of gemstones. provides helpful information on various gemstones you can use incorporate into your yoga routine.
Here are some poses to start practicing yoga today and make your tight body more flexible over time.
1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
With your feet together, stand and spread your toes. Imagine strong energy through your feet. Breathe in deeply, relax your shoulders away from your ears. Then when you’re comfortable, you can close your eyes and then focus on your breathing.
2. Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Muka Svanasana)
Form an inverted ‘V’ by getting your hands to the floor. If you feel that your hamstrings and shoulders are tight, slightly bend your knees. Push your palms to the floor with your fingers spread. Then, position your head between your arms. Bring your shoulders away from your ears, then bring your tailbone up. Finally, breathe and focus. You can also use gemstone jewelry to create a yoga mala that you can use during your yoga practice. This kind of jewelry is believed to help the wearer achieve more focus.
3. Standing Forward Fold (Uttasana)
With your feet apart, stand and slightly bend your knees. Gradually lower your upper body and let it hand all the way forward. While doing this, you may also let your arms drop to the floor. Alternatively, you can also grab your opposite elbows. Stay in this position for at least thirty seconds and experience the benefits of the stretch.
4. Extended Child’s Pose (Utthita Balasana)
Whether you’re doing this in a yoga class or at home, this pose can be done easily. Start by getting on your hands and knees. With your knees apart, bring your big toes together. Bring your sit bones down to your heels. Then, let your torso rest between your thighs. Stretch your arms in front and you can rest your forehead on the cushion or mat. Stay in this position for up to two minutes to stretch the thighs, hips, and groin.
5. Warrior 2 (Virabhadrasana 2)
In a standing position, step your feet around four feet apart. Then, turn your right leg out ninety degrees and ensure that your left toes are angled slightly inwards. Ensure that your right ankle and knee are fixed on top of the other. Bring your hips away from each other while feeling the stretch. Bring your arms up parallel to the floor, with your palms down stretching to the fingertips, look towards the front middle finger. Hold this position for five breaths before switching sides.
6. Crescent Lunge (Anjaneyasana)
Begin with a downward-facing dog position. Move your right foot up between the hands with exhalation. Make sure that your ankle and knee are aligned, or the ankle is slightly in front of the knee. The front foot should be flat on the mat and the back heel is lifted. As you inhale, bring your hands to the hips then, lift your upper body. Bring your arms up to the ceiling, with your palms towards each other. Relax your shoulders. Stay in this position for up to sixty seconds before switching sides.
7. Easy Seated Pose (Sukhasana)
Start by sitting in a cross-legged position. Ensure that you cross at the calves and the feet are under the knees. If you feel your hips are tight, you may try sitting on a block to help you. Bring your spine upright to align with the hips and body. Relax your shoulders down away from your ears and close your eyes. You may place your hands lightly on your knees or let it rest on your lap. Focus on your breathing and stay in this position for as long as you feel comfortable.
8. Thread the Needle (Parsva Balasana)
On your mat, start with your hands and knees in neutral position. Move your knees to hip-width distance then, tuck your toes. Move the right hand one to two inches forward of your shoulder, then turn your gaze and chest towards your right hand. Then, thread your left arm under the right while positioning your left shoulder on the mat. Then, stretch your left fingers on the floor and straighten your arm. Have the left side of your head also rest on the floor. Hold and breathe while tension is naturally released. To get out of this position, push yourself into a neutral position by using your right hand. Do the same steps for the other side.
9. Legs Up the Wall (Viparita Karani)
This position is perfect for relaxing and is excellent to perform at the end of a tiring day. Lay down flat on your back and swing the legs up a flat wall. Then, bring your sit bones towards the walls as close as possible. Add a pillow under your head or lower back for comfort, if needed. Focus on your breathing while you close your eyes and remain in this position as long as you need.
10. Bridge (Setu Brandha Sarvangasana)
To start, lie flat on your back while bending your knees, placing them in line with your hips and parallel with your ankles. Keep your arms beside you, palms down while the head is on the floor, and your gaze down the middle of the body. While inhaling, gradually push the feet into the floor and moves your glutes while pushing the hips up towards the ceiling. Your arms should remain pushing into the floor. Stay in this position for five breaths then, gradually release down on the floor. Repeat three times.
Final Thoughts
Doing yoga comes with plenty of benefits including improving flexibility, strengthening the body, and better focus. Yoga may look intimidating for some people, especially among those who think that they need to be flexible to do the poses. Fortunately, there are many poses that can be done even for people with tight bodies.