In years gone by, although sports betting was very popular in the world, it was limited to a handful of countries. These all had a very rich history when it came to betting, many people took part and these people had a wide range of ways in which to bet.
Times are changing, and with betting becoming more accessible than ever before, it is spreading around the world.
New people are giving it a try, in countries that have no history with sports betting, but thanks to the internet, this is now available to almost anyone.
The likelihood is that this spread will lead to yet another boom in the industry, but this time with a new breed of gamblers, ones who are using their phones to bet and taking their very first steps.
The Rise of Mobile Betting
When experienced gamblers think of mobile betting, they will think of another way to bet and something that is incredibly convenient for them.
However, to other people around the world, mobile betting is their only way to bet, and a new lifeline for those wanting to get involved. This opens up the industry to many around the world, who don’t have bookmakers in their country and don’t have a computer to get online.
It is for this reason that bookmakers such as those you see listed on oddsmanager are ensuring that mobile betting is at the heart of their thoughts.
Every bookmaker understands they need an excellent mobile service, and that this could be the different between being successful and not over the next decade.
In established countries, mobile betting is the most convenient way to bet, in others it is the only way to bet. But what bookmakers know is that without it, they are going to miss out on a huge number of customers from every corner of the globe.
What Do You Need to Be Able to Bet?
The key to nations around the world who are just joining in with gambling is that you only need two things to be able to bet.
The first is a mobile phone, and these are becoming more and more common, even in lesser nations. The second is a connection to the internet, and while high-speed internet may not be available for some yet, many now have a stable internet connection.
If you don’t have a bookmaker in your country, it doesn’t matter, as many offer a worldwide service. This means you can bet with someone from the other side of the world if you wish, with the local aspect of betting no longer needed.
Anyone following the biggest names in sport can keep up to date with news about them, and then place wagers on them for success thanks to this expansion of betting.
As with anything else in the world, accessibility often creates popularity, if people can get to the service, it is going to attract them and that is exactly the case with sports betting.
How Does the Future Look?
The simple answer here is very positive. Sports betting has stumbled upon a way to make the industry far more accessible for every type of person around the world.
With coverage of events from every corner of the globe already in place, they don’t need to add anything else to attract players. For example, those in Africa will want to bet on big African events like the African Cup of Nations, and these are already in place, as other gamblers like them.
With a worldwide service in place, and now a way for users around the world to bet, these two are set to lead the sports betting industry forward for the next decade.