3 Exercise Equipment You Can Use For A Lifetime
Whether you're interested in building up your body or just exercising for fun, exercise equipment will help you get the results you want. The accessibility of working out at home these days has made it easier than ever for people of all ages to stay healthy by exercising. Thus, if you want to establish a home gym for yourself, you need to make sure you're getting what you pay for if you feel like investing in exercise equipment. It's easy to pick out the newest, highest-quality piece and start working out with it. But will it be sturdy enough for your needs?
Don’t know where to start? Here are three tried-and-tested workout equipment you could use for a lifetime.
1. Dumbbells And Barbelll
With the number of choices available on the market, it could be difficult to choose the best barbell or dumbbells out there. But with enough research, you will make a sound decision. Assess your body type first, what you want to achieve, then research what goes best with which kind of workout you choose.
Whatever workout regimen you may have, you can’t go wrong with investing in dumbbells or barbells with varying weight plates as these have been a tried and true form of exercise for home-based bodybuilders. These items can be used across a variety of different workouts, so they could really help tone different areas of your body.
Consult a fitness trainer or bodybuilder who could guide you with the purchase as there are different types of weight plates, weightlifting bars, and different-sized dumbbells you could use for specific workouts. If you have a bigger space for a barbell and a weight training bench, make sure you get a sturdy one, hopefully those that won’t rust easily; the same goes for the dumbbells. With this equipment at home, you could try deadlifting, bench press workouts, or CrossFit workouts. The possibilities are endless.
2. Treadmill
Have you tried to go for a run during the fall or winter? Or do you live in an extremely busy city where there doesn’t seem to be enough space anywhere to run? Maybe it’s always rainy where you are, or it’s quite unsafe to go out at night if you prefer after-sunset runs. Regardless of your situation, a treadmill is an easy way to go for a quick jog or run without leaving your home.
When you decide to shop around for fitness equipment, you can include a well-built treadmill that will last for a lifetime, provided you regularly maintain the machine, of course. There are now options to purchase different sizes and types of treadmill machines. The more complicated and expensive ones are digital, which could offer various readings and measurements such as distance traveled, time covered, calorie counter, even heartbeat rates per minute.
There are mid-range priced ones that also offer similar readings but on a simpler scale. But for both types, the track could usually be adjusted to imitate different ground environments and inclines for a more wholesome or challenging workout, depending on your fitness needs.
3. Stationary Bike Machines
If you would rather stay indoors than go biking around the city or your community, dodging and weaving around pedestrians in the process, stopping once in a while whenever there’s not enough room for you to proceed, or there are too much traffic lights in your block, purchasing a stationary bike machine might be a good idea for you.
There are various types of stationary bikes available in the market, but the purchase will have to consider your home space. Some of these machines are bulky, while there are more slender models that could be kept at any corner of your home gym. Much like the treadmill, the bike will also require maintenance, especially on the chains, to ensure they last years to come. But it's definitely another great investment to add to your home workout equipment as you can bike for as long as you want, only stopping at your own discretion.
Considering there are so many options available for home exercise equipment in stores or online shops, it might be a trial and error circumstance until you find what works best for you. One thing that might benefit you is to go to a local fitness shop or a gym and consult with a professional workout trainer who has knowledge of the topic at hand. With enough time and research, you will no doubt find the best exercise equipment for you, and you’ll be able to enjoy that workout routine at home—for a lifetime.