What an amazing feeling it is when you get on that scale and the needle doesn’t keep going, you’ve lost the pounds and you’re feeling proud of yourself. Looking in the mirror is no longer a scary thought, you can stand there in the confidence of knowing the hard work has paid off.
Deciding to make a change is only overcome with a strong mental desire. Yes, the beginning is going to be tough and for sure you are going to have to push through those moments when the cake seems to be winking at you from behind the café counter.
But if you can make it over that hurdle you can do anything. Why not check out some motivational quotes to get that mental adrenalin flowing and the urge ticking.
Whether you decide to do it alone or drag a friend with you because you could both use a serious health kick, the fact that you are taking that first step is an achievement in itself. You know the old saying, ‘one day, or day one?’
Why people decide to get fit.
Besides the amazing body you’ll be sculpting, your overall physic will start to tighten up. No more waving triceps wings as you lift your arms, or muffin top spilling over your jeans as you jump to pull them on.
If you have kids this is especially beneficial, being able to play with them in the garden without having to stop every 10 minutes while you catch your breath, those moments they will cherish forever. It’s the little things we don’t realize they love the most.
This goes hand in hand with being a good role model for them, they watch everything we say or do even without us noticing, seeing us be healthy and taking care of ourselves will rub off on them for their futures.
Going to a fitness class or gym can be relaxing, you pop on the headphones and crank up the volume and get on with the session. The music may be full blast but you can still be in a world of your own. People often go to the gym to wind down as strange as that may seem.
So many reasons why we decide to turn our life around, read some of them in this blog on being your fittest self and take that first step on the journey to a better you. We only have one life and one body to live it in, let’s make it a good one am I right?
How to choose a gym?
When looking for a gym to sign up to, it is all determined by what amenities you’re looking for, the proximity, and the monthly allowance you are willing to spend to be there. Do they offer other services like a sauna or steam room, lockers with keys or a swimming pool in case you decide to change your routine up a bit?
You might like a facility that offers a range of classes, personal trainers to keep you on track or a 6-week course you can try out and get a feel for the gym and overall fitness and well-being. Being around like-minded people can give you that boost to keep going, hearing compliments from others about your results is always lovely to hear, isn’t it?
For a great course with fantastic fitness results, why not visit sites like
https://www.thebootcampeffect.com/bootcamp-all-stars/, you’ll feel good, look good, and who knows you may make some lifelong friends there. It’s a win-win! So, get out your leggings and sign up for the camp that is about to change your life.
3 Benefits of gym classes.
· Motivation. We all have off days, being in a group is a good way to encourage and be encouraged by others.
· Social. If you’re a wallflower like me this is a great way to meet people and make friends, expand your social circle.
· Qualified. By joining a class it’s like a two for one, first, you’re getting fit and secondly, you have the expertise of a qualified fitness guru leading you every step of the way.
Feeling fit is not only about being skinny, it’s more about showing the world you did it. You overcame your hurdle.