Do you often struggle to strike a balance between prioritizing your academics and physical fitness? Don’t you wish you could squeeze in just a few minutes of workout amidst lectures, assignments, and exams? Do you think the lack of physical exercise is affecting your mental peace and concentration? The good news is that you can make a few simple lifestyle changes to find time for workout despite your hectic schedule.
It goes without saying that staying fit during college is extremely important. It influences your all-round development and even affects your academic performance. Also, finding some time to exercise during the day has a positive impact on your mood and mental peace. This is particularly important considering the copious amount of stress you often face as a college student.
So, how can you take time out from your busy lifestyle to exercise and stay fit? Here are a few nifty hacks:
1. Go To Bed Early
Pulling an all-nighter a day prior to an important exam or assignment submission is fine. But if you regularly stay awake till late at night, it can take a toll on your physical health and mental wellbeing. Also, you’ll find it difficult to wake up in the morning and stay focused on your studies and other activities.
That’s why it is important to judiciously set a proper bedtime and adhere to it. It’ll improve your sleep cycle, heal your body, and help you wake up in a good mood. Needless to say, when you wake up feeling refreshed and recharged, you’re more likely to get motivated to get some exercise.
2. Set Your Routine & Stick to It
No. Your daily routine doesn’t have to be set in stone. However, it always helps to outline a basic framework for your daily life. The idea is to make the most of your free time by allocating specific chores and tasks to different hours of the day. For instance, you could start your day with household chores such as laundry and cleaning before going to college.
Likewise, you could go for a walk every evening right after having dinner. Once you’ve outlined your routine, write it down on a piece of paper. Better still you can add it to your Google Calendar. Seeing the routine will further help you further optimize it and take some time out to exercise every day.
Nevertheless, setting a routine on paper is one thing. Actually adhering to it is a different ball game altogether. Try your best to follow the daily schedule and manage various activities. But don’t feel guilty if you ditch the routine for a day of fun and relaxation.
Also, make sure to keep your routine flexible and accommodate unprecedented changes including assignments, essay papers, etc. Don’t hesitate to seek external help to manage your tasks. During my college days, I tested to consult online tutors for my assignments. The platform connects students with tutors to get help on homework questions at any time of the day.
3. Declutter Your Room
Didn’t find the time for exercise during the day? Cleaning your room in the evening can help you fulfill your daily target of physical activity. Just vacuuming or mopping your room every day will help you remain active and fit. On the upside, decluttering your room also has a positive effect on your mental health.
4. Find a Fitness Buddy
Whether you’re going for a walk or exercising at the gym, working out alone can be dull and boring. You’ll easily lose your motivation and focus and end up ditching the exercise routine in the long run. An easy way of overcoming this problem is to find a friend or coursemate who’s equally enthusiastic about physical fitness. Coordinate with them and fix a time to exercise, run, or just take a stroll down the park.
5. Take the Stairs
Despite your fast-paced lifestyle, a few minor lifestyle changes can help you stay physically fit. For instance, you could skip the elevator whenever possible and climb a few flights of stairs. This tip is particularly useful for days when you just don’t have the time to exercise or run. Apart from burning some calories, it also helps improve cardiovascular function.
6. Walk Everywhere
Another simple lifestyle change you can adapt is to walk as much as possible. If you stay on your college campus, ditch the bike and walk to your classes every day. Even if you stay a few blocks away from your college, take time out to walk to the campus once in a while. It’s a simple yet effective way of staying healthy without spending any extra time on exercise.
7. Be Easy on Yourself
Remember - you’re not practicing to run a marathon or win the Olympics. You’re just trying to embrace a healthier lifestyle here. So, never pressurize yourself into doing things against your will. It’s okay to skip your exercise routine for a couple of days if your college schedule is too hectic.
Are you using any other hacks to stay fit in college? Share your tips in the comments section below.