Keeping fit is never an easy task to accomplish – especially if you’re the kind of person who constantly feels the need to procrastinate. I mean, who doesn’t think it’s tempting to just sit on the couch and do nothing the entire day? Instead of going out and do 10 km runs and backbreaking workout, wouldn’t it be far easier to just sit back, watch some Netflix or play video games? Instead of preparing a healthy, balanced meal, isn’t it much more convenient to just drive through some local fast food joint? I tell you, living an unhealthy life is so easy that you’ll need zero practice to learn how to do it. Compared to that, keeping fit involves a whole lot of pain and self-control. No wonder people would rather live like a couch potato?
But easy as unhealthy may sound, it is beyond doubt perilous. Serious consequences are often associated and attributed to dysfunctional lifestyles – lifestyles that involve insanely low levels of exercise and extremely high amounts of unhealthy food (read more). As they say, you only reap what you sow. When you live your life following unhealthy practices, then you’re only digging your own grave. But oftentimes, what kills people is not what they know but what they do not know. Our ignorance and negligence to matters concerning health will be the death of us.
For instance, I have been going on and on about unhealthy lifestyles for a while now, but I bet some of you may not even know what’s good and bad for your body exactly. These things that we don’t know is “bad” for us will definitely come to haunt us in the future. If you want to experience a better quality of life, you have to learn what’s making it bad in the first place.
The Food You Eat
Yes, aside from sleep, we get most of our body’s energy from the food we eat. Whatever we ingest into our bodies is broken down into digestible food to nourish our cells. If we eat food that are poor in nourishment (aka junk), then our cells will not be able to receive the right nutrition they need. This often leads to many dysfunctions and many irreversible conditions. Diabetes, hypertension, and arthritis aren’t called “lifestyle diseases” for no reason. People often get them because of living a low-quality lifestyle. This is why even if it’s a slow change; you have to start it somewhere. Changing your diet is only the first of the many things you have to improve.
Rest & Sleep
Sure, some of you may be workaholics but you’re only proud of it now because you’re still young and able! You may be okay now and your body may be able to cope but all the stress and fatigue you build up now will come back to haunt you later on in life. Make sure that you get ample rest every day. Work will always be there. House chores will never stop. Take the time to rest your body or else, it will find its own ways to rest – permanently.
Exercise & Movement
Lastly, your body isn’t designed for sitting and slouching all the time. You have to get moving! Whether it’s a morning jog or an afternoon cycle, you have to form a habit that will allow you to move your body every day. In fact, you don’t have to exercise everyday if you can’t do it. Getting an hour of exercise three times a week is already a good place to start. Going to the gym and having a professional trainer track your progress may help you increase your motivation too. If that’s too much for your schedule, then investing in a home gym equipment is also something you can consider. Checking sites like is recommended before buying to make sure you know what you need before buying.
That’s right. Invest in home gym equipment. What’s better than working out from home? Nowadays, we have many mobile applications and programs that can help track our exercise schedule. All that’s left to do is to teach ourselves some discipline. The world is practically feeding us with more and more ways to get fit – easier and more convenient methods to stay healthy. However, choosing that path to health is our choice to make.
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