We always love when we get the chance to chat with 5X World Champion World Surf League Women's World Tour and the 1st ever Team USA Surfing Gold Medalist in shortboard at the 2020 Summer Olympics - Carissa Moore! We had the pleasure of having her as our cover for our FEB ISSUE #86 and we're glad to have her as this month's cover as she is someone who is not only a talented athlete, but she is someone who cares about her legacy in and out of the sport as well as giving back to others. In addition, she is navigating a new chapter in her journey, being a mother! We talk about this part of her life, what it looks, like and what she'll do next!
ATHLEIURE MAG: We've had the pleasure of having you as our cover in Feb '23 and we interviewed you again later that year! So it's always a pleasure to chat with you. You're in a great period of your life as you are expecting a child! What were the thoughts and decisions that you grappled with as you looked at stepping back from competition?
CARISSA MOORE: The decision to step back from competition wasn’t one that was taken lightly. It weighed on my heart for several years, but it took me awhile to find the courage to take the leap. Competitive surfing has been a huge part of my identity and drive for most of my life so just dealing with the unknown of what’s on the other side and the fears and anxiety that comes with that was something that took some time to process and work through. I eventually got to a point where the fear of staying the same far outweighed the fear of failure and what other people would think. I know in my heart it was time to pivot and to step outside of my comfort zone. This last year has really challenged me physically, mentally, and emotionally but as hard as it has been at times, it feels good to be pushed to evolve in different ways. There was also the importance of starting a family and the stress of tour life for so many years that factored into my decision at this time. I needed a break to recharge and also give myself the space and grace to prioritize my family.
AM: What does this next chapter look like for you?
CM: It’s pretty cool because as much as this next chapter is up in the air and a little scary, it’s also so exciting because there are so many possibilities. There is a dream to maybe come back to competitive surfing when I’m healthy and ready, but I also don’t want to put any pressure on myself. It just feels like there is a little left undone for me in that space especially as a mom. I am super passionate about helping young girls and women thrive through my charitable foundation, Moore Aloha. Our mission is to support females as they navigate the waves of mental health and wellness by educating, empowering and inspiring through sport, mentorship and culture. Our events and programs have really blossomed into something special and super meaningful so I would like to continue to pour my heart into that and see where it goes. I’d love to get better at public speaking, maybe do a TedTalk and write a book one day. But honestly, just working on being the best wife, mom, athlete, human I can be.
AM: I know that family is so important to you and now that you will be bringing a little one into the mix, what are you looking forward to?
CM: I am just looking forward to doing life with our little. All the things, walks with the dogs, days at the beach, adventures around the world... I'm looking forward to seeing the world through her eyes and being bewildered by the magic around me all over again.
AM: In terms of surfing, we've seen you on the waves as a mama-to-be! How important is surfing to you in this transitional to enjoy what you love?
CM: Surfing has kept me sane during this time. Being pregnant is beautiful and miraculous but a massive transformation in all aspects. The changes have been so dramatic over such a short period of time that being on a board has helped me feel like myself while losing myself if that makes sense. Surfing has been a source of peace, comfort, joy through so many different phases and transitions in life. Even though my wave riding looks very different at the moment, just being able to stand up, glide across a wall of water, feel the sun and salt water on my skin, is so refreshing and makes me so happy. Happy mama = happy baby!
AM: How has surfing been for you as you enjoy it without focusing on competing while you prepare for motherhood?
CM: It’s been weird to be honest. I’ve had to fall in love with surfing in a whole new way. I’ve always found joy in the challenge of working on something every time I paddled out or pursuing the next goal in competition. For the first time, kind of ever, I can’t do what I used to so I have been going surfing to just ride waves because it makes me feel good. There is no agenda. No feedback from a coach. No pressure! I’m so used to doing, creating, going, going, going. This pregnancy has forced me to slow down and look at things differently. Take a different pace and know it’s okay. This isn’t forever and to embrace this season I am in. I think it’s super important to be present for my daughter, for her to feel calm and at peace coming into this world.
AM: How has it been balancing work, life, and your passion for this next chapter?
CM: It’s been fun to pursue other passions like my charitable foundation Moore Aloha, spend quality time with family and friends, settle into a home routine and get creative on ways I can use my skills and talents to remain and involved. Grateful to have a super supportive husband and great village to help me navigate this time and redefine a new balance.
AM: What have you learned about yourself in this stage of your life?
CM: Oh man, that is loaded question. I have learned so much at every stage. It feels like every other week I have had to face a different part of me, process it and move through it. I still struggle with self-worth. I’m working on it. Time away from competition and outside validation has forced me to really value myself. I’m learning to love my body. I look back at pictures from before I was pregnant, when I thought I was ‘big’ and I’m like, “Damn, I look strong and lean! What was I thinking being so hard on myself?” It has been a challenge to love my reflection as I grow and gain weight but I’m changing that inner dialogue and doing a better job of appreciating what my body is able to do. I am making a human! How cool?! I also realize that I have a lot of fear around the unknown. Learning to let go and trust. Trust my body, trust the timing, trust that it’s all going to be okay. I like being in control and stress too much over the things I can’t. It’s been a great time for self-reflection and evaluating who I want to be for my daughter. What kind of relationship do I want to have with her? What kind of role model do I want to be? What environment do I want her to grow up in? Becoming someone’s mom has given me the extra motivation to look at my weaknesses and do the work to be the best I can be for her.
AM: Do you plan on returning to competitions in the future?
CM: Maybe… we will see. Like I said, don’t want to put any pressure on it, but it’s not out of the question!
IG @rissmoore10
PHOTOGRAPHY CREDITS | Red Bull Photo Pool - FRONT COVER Domenic Mosqueira /PG 16 +24 Ryan Miller/PG 18 Trevor Moran/PG 22 Jeremiah Klein/PG 26 + BACK COVER Zac Noyle | PG 21 Hurley |
Read the JAN ISSUE #109 of Athleisure Mag and see SURFING THE NEXT CHAPTER | Carissa Moore in mag.