Read the DEC ISSUE #108 of Athleisure Mag and see 9LIST STORI3S | Maria Camila Giraldo in mag.

Read the DEC ISSUE #108 of Athleisure Mag and see 9LIST STORI3S | Maria Camila Giraldo in mag.
PHOTO COURTESY | UnSPlash/Gustavo Spindula
It’s true that not everyone is blessed with naturally smooth skin and gorgeous looks. For most of us, we need to spend a lot of time and effort in order to look our best. While SK II products can help in defying skin aging, a whole range of cosmetic and beauty items could cost more than we are willing to spend on our appearances.
For days when natural beauty just won’t cut it, women turn to makeup. Considered to be one of the secret weapons of women from all walks of life, cosmetics can make your skin look better and bright even on days when you lack rest or nutrition. While cosmetic products often allow us to transform into a person we prefer, too much of it will make you look unnatural and fake.
The function of makeup has evolved to suit the modern woman’s needs. Centuries ago, face makeup was intentionally white and colourful to create a distinction that the person was not in his or her bare face. In recent years, people have been looking for ways to blur the line between the bare and made up faces. Korean cosmetic products have coverage yet with enough translucence to look like you’re not wearing any makeup. As time passes, people have been looking for more ways to look makeup-less even when they are wearing cosmetics.
Here are some ways to create a natural look without overspending:
1. Skincare based on your personal needs and preferences.
Everyone is different. This is true not only with appearances but also with physiological needs. Everyone’s skin has different types, problems, and needs, and it’s important that you know what your skin should have. Some people make the mistake of trusting a product or brand based on someone else’s review; and while that may be useful to some extent, it’s important to remember that your skin could be different from theirs.
You can save a lot of money when you buy drugstore cosmetic products that suit your skin, instead of the expensive ones that celebrities endorse.
2. Plan your makeup products.
In order to avoid overspending, just try to buy 1 brand for 1 purpose for the entire year. Most makeup products have an expiry (usually 10-12 months after being opened), so having too many products of the same kind could prove to be problematic since you only have one face and 365 days to finish them all. While lipsticks are usually the exception to the case, you’d be surprised how many makeup products are thrown away because of poor planning.
In order to avoid wasteful spending, always check for the expiration date which can be found at the back of the product before purchase. Also, ask yourself if you’re going to finish the entire bottle in 365 days; if the answer is no then find a product that is suitable for daily use.
3. Buy products based on your skin tone.
You makeup base should be 1 shade lighter than your complexion since cosmetics have the tendency to oxidize when combined with sweat. The concealer should be 2 shades lighter than your complexion because you’re going to blend it with your foundation afterward. A concealer could also serve as a subtle highlighter.
Some people prefer a certain type of product over the rest. If you’re confident about your skin care, opt for lighter coverage products like BB creams, tints, and translucent powders. However, if you have existing skin problems that you want to cover up but still have a bare-faced effect, then go for pigmented products like foundation, cream-type products and the like.
It’s important to take note that having a more pigmented base means that your skin’s pores may get blocked so when you’re choosing thick makeup, make sure that you use at least 2 types of cleansers nightly. Also, having thick makeup doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s no longer a natural look.
4. Accentuate your face’s features instead of going against them.
Women have beauty standards that they like to chase, even if those standards don’t go with their natural and inborn features. When they force their face to look a certain way, it becomes unnatural. Appreciate your own unique features and accentuate them to achieve a natural look.