CBD already has a good reputation in the health and medicine arena due to its effective painkilling, sleeping aid, and general anti-inflammatory properties. However, CBD’s usage transcends beyond just medicinal and recreational purposes as its beneficial properties make it perfect for athletes!
The Role of CBD for Pain Management in Athletes
Athletes put a lot of stress on their bodies, during both training and the game. While training stress stimulates increased strength and performance, physical trauma and prolonged wear and tear can cause permanent injuries.
Normally, athletes use prescription drugs, including opiates, for pain management. Although they do work, the long-term use of such medication has some health hazards, with the most dangerous one being addiction.
Due to these hazards, many athletes have started using all-natural CBD oil for effective pain relief and management. If you’re also an athlete planning to switch to CBD oil, read on to find out when and how you should consider CBD oil.
PHOTO CREDIT | Pexels/Tree of Life Seeds
When to Consider Using CBD Oil
Athletes can use CBD oil for various reasons. Here are some instances when you should consider CBD oil:
Pain Relief
Doctors usually prescribe opiates like fentanyl to professional-level athletes for quick pain relief, even though they’re highly addictive. Even over-the-counter medicines such as ibuprofen can have adverse side effects in the long run.
In comparison, CBD oil is considered a natural and comparatively safer alternative for pain relief. CBD oil contains only natural ingredients that stimulate the endocannabinoid system. This results in significant relief from all types of pain.
Stress Management
Athletes are more susceptible to anxiety and stress in their daily lives, especially before a big game or competition. Besides this, they may also experience feelings of nervousness and trouble in sleeping - all of which can negatively impact their performance.
CBD oil is known to reduce stress and anxiety levels, helping you feel calm and relaxed. It can also help in getting a goodnight’s sleep by getting the user to sleep more quickly and heavily. This is a major benefit for those who have trouble falling asleep the night before the match.
Appetite Control
CBD oil is known to reduce the temptation for snacks and other unhealthy foods, which means that athletes also use CBD oil for weight management. You can replace your unhealthy snacks with CBD oil products such as gummies as they’re a healthier alternative.
Many individuals have also claimed to have a reduced appetite while using CBD oil as a supplement. This is quite useful for athletes, as they need to maintain a strict diet for maximum performance.
How to Use CBD Oil
You can ingest CBD oil either itself or through any CBD oil product. There are now several CBD oil products available in the market, with more and more coming almost every week. These typically include:
Vape cartridges
Edibles such as gummies
Besides these, there are also topical creams and lotions containing CBD oil that you can apply directly to the injured or pain-affected area for quick relief.
If you’re a fan of sports drinks or hot drinks like tea and coffee, then you can also mix a few drops of CBD oil in your preferred drink for maximum effectiveness. Or just place the tincture/drops below your tongue.
Generally, the effects of CBD last for anywhere between 2-8 hours. Joy Organics suggest that how long CBD oil lasts is directly related to how it is consumed. While some CBD oil products like vape cartridges have effects that last for 2-3 hours only, others like tinctures and capsules can have effects lasting for 6-8 hours.
Therefore, your choice of CBD oil product will depend on how long they want the effects to last for.
The Bottom Line
CBD is good for your health, but only when it’s taken the right way. It’s imperative that you give your body proper time to adjust to something new (CBD in this case). Start by taking a small dose and then work your way up over the next couple of weeks until you get the feeling that you desire.