If you have an upcoming drug test with a week to prepare for, the first thing that you need to remember is that the technology used in testing has evolved where it can detect fake or tampered urine samples instantly. Putting rock salt or bleach in your pee sample is easily detectable. Your best option is to stop using drugs and prepare for the test. You can read more about urine tests in this link here.
If there is not enough time, there are detox drinks that can help flush the drugs out of your system. If you don’t have enough time to flush the drugs, you can try to “mask” them in a way that they won’t appear in your urine sample for about 3 – 4 hours.
The Do’s and Don’ts
Never attempt to dilute or mask your sample. The technicians will know if you altered your pee sample with salt, bleach, vinegar, and other household substances. If you dilute water in the sample, they will also know because the temperature and the color of the urine will change.
Drink lots of water before the test. This can work if you are a light user of cannabis. As of the moment, there are not enough evidences that the following substances that will cleanse your system thoroughly. These substances can include vinegar, niacin, goldenseal, and Certo.
Why These Substances Will Not Work
Goldenseal is a kind of herb that is part of the buttercup family that is commonly found in the Northeastern part of the United States. There are a lot of studies that show goldenseal doesn’t have any effect on the THC metabolites in the body. It was popularized because of a novel published in 1900 called the “Stringtown on the Pike” where someone “passed” a drug test because he had consumed goldenseal. However, this is just part of old wives tales and it’s not backed with anything concrete.
Vinegar won’t help you pass a drug test. The test administrators will notice that your sample will have very acidic urine. You might fail the validity check as a result and may be required to submit another sample. It can also raise some red flags as the administrators will think that you have adulterated your pee sample.
You might have heard of people who use marijuana talk about Certo Pectin or Sure Jell in order to pass their upcoming urine drug test. It gained popularity after some people claim that the Certo mixture can easily get you out of trouble especially if you have to pass a marijuana drug test in less than 24 hours.
Many use Certo for drug tests because it has a high carbohydrate and fiber content. The carbohydrates can boost the insulin inside your body and causes you to store energy calories rather than using them in your day-to-day activities. The carbohydrates can help in metabolizing fats for energy. When fat-soluble toxins such as THC metabolites are released from your cells, they will end up in your urine, bloodstream, or saliva.
What Certo does is to act as an agent which causes insulin to spike for a short period of time. This prevents the burning of fats in the body and you can come out clean for a few hours. Aside from this, it helps mix detoxifying agents such as vitamins and minerals inside your body which can help you a lot during a drug test. However, note that this method does not work. Certo can’t flush the toxins from your body in 24 hours and you might get into trouble if the administrators will find out that you are trying to take drinks that can tamper with your urine sample.
Niacin pills or B3 is a kind of compound that can be found naturally in the human body. The primary function of niacin is to metabolize carbohydrates. The problem with niacin pills is that the effectiveness of which it clears traces of metabolites can vary from one body to another. The person with higher fat content will likely fail than a person with a lower fat content. This method will not work if you have a drug test in 24 hours. You can only give this a method a try if you have enough time to prepare for the test. Know more about niacin on this website: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/niacin.
Why Drug Tests are Necessary
Companies administer marijuana drug tests to make sure that their working environment is free from marijuana users. However, most people use marijuana as a recreational drug and it does not necessarily mean that if they use it, they are already considered as an addict.
If you are one of the people who is hoping to get a promotion or want to have a job, then the good news is that there are a lot of detoxification methods available for you online. These methods can help you pass a drug test easily if you go to the right website. However, beware of other fake methods that are circulating online. It does not mean that a method is effective because a lot of people are using it. You should also read online reviews and forums in order to know the truth.
Other Alternatives
The good news is that there are other alternative options that can help you pass your drug test. Some proven and tested detoxifying agents include Toxin Rid. This will help cleanse your body from THC even if you only have 24 hours prior to the test. This is the surest way that most people prefer. Rather than going for Certo, vinegar and other methods which are unreliable and require too much work, Toxin Rid can incorporate herbs, vitamins, and minerals inside your body to make it healthier. Do not try home remedies that can make you lose your job or can potentially send you to jail just because your test results came out positive. Contact an expert today and consult with them on what you can do to detoxify your body from THC.
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