On today's episode of #TRIBEGOALS, we talk with Athleisure Mag's June cover for issue #54 veteran NBA Champion Matt Barnes who played 14 seasons in the league. His ability to bring his energy and focus to the court was seen on a number of teams from the LA LakersGolden State Warriors and the Sacramento Kings just to name a few. His unapologetic honesty and loyalty to himself as well as who he works with shined through on the court and continues to be seen through his philanthropy, his skincare brand HUE For Every Man, the cannabis industry, as well as his focus on social justice. With the confluence of COVID-19 and the movement of #BlackLivesMatter, he continues to be at the forefront of ensuring that voices are heard and that people understand the importance of voting at the local, state and national level for changes to be made. He has lent his voice to rallies in his hometown of Sacramento for George Floyd as well as Stephon Clark. We talk about this as well as his successful podcast All the Smoke on SHOWTIME, his enterprises and the upcoming NBA season and playoffs and the importance of sports as we navigate challenging times.

Read the latest issue of Athleisure Mag.


PHOTO CREDIT | Buudkaanaa

PHOTO CREDIT | Buudkaanaa

As we all figure out what week and day it is, we have all been thinking about some of our routines that we have not been able to enjoy such as getting our hair done, manicures and brows! Prior to COVID-19, we made and kept our appointments and many of us moved from having polish manicures to gel to ensure that our tips were always on point. We all have our different gel flows whether you go every 2 weeks or 3 weeks. As we all navigate COVID-19, many of us started seeing our gels taking a turn for the worst and we had to tackle removing it and upkeeping our nails. Somehow, we’ve all realized that the removal process isn’t the easiest and we’re missing enjoying a glass of bubble while at Paintbox while this is getting done.

We have some tips on how you remove gel nail polish without stripping your nails! First off, even when the polish begins to peel, don’t continue to pull it back. When you peel it, you’re actually stripping your nail bed of the upper layer and encouraging the nail to break. Instead, you’ll need some simple tools that include: acetone, cotton, aluminum foil, an orange wood stick, nail file, buffer and cuticle oil. Start with taking your file and swipe it over your topcoat which also includes the gel color. If it starts to hurt you, then you need to stop as you don’t want to over file. You want to make sure that you are beginning to open up the polish a bit.

Apply cuticle oil to each nail to make sure that your nails still have moisture on them as you continue each of the steps. When you’re ready to remove the gel, you need to soak the cotton in the acetone and place it over your nail. Wrap the aluminum foil over your tip so that the acetone doesn’t dry. If you feel that your foil may not stay closed, we suggest gel nail polish remover clips that will keep it firmly around you nail. You should keep this on for 10-15 minutes. When you remove the aluminum you will see that the gel will start to loosen. We suggest doing it one nail at a time. If you open one and see that the gel hasn’t start to flake or move back, put the aluminum back on.

If the nail is ready, take the orange wood and gently push the gel off in the same direction the gel was applied. Don’t take the stick and push it into your nail bed as you will dig into it and ruin your nail. Make sure that you buff your nails to remove any polish that might not have come off from just the acetone. When your nails are done, moisturize your hands as acetone can be very drying. This part of the removal can take 30-40 mins so we suggest having a refreshing drink of your choice nearby especially if it is your first time.

If you feel that your nails are a little weaker or not as fabulous as you’re used to seeing them, apply a nail hardener and then apply coconut oil, jojoba or cuticle oil into cuticles.

Read the latest issue of Athleisure Mag.