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JUN 2016 | MID BOOK Issue

On June  14th, we released Athleisure Mag's Mid Book Issue. Our issue's cover girl is one of the stars of Netflix's, Orange is the New Black - Vicky Jeudy who plays Janae Watson on the popular streaming show whose season 4 is available for all your Bingely needs on June 17th! We sit down with the glamorous star and talk about the show, what she's up to and how she makes time for herself. In addition, we talk with Kevin Kerslake, Director/Producer of 'As I Am: The Life & Time$ of DJ AM as well as a conversation and June playlist perfect for yoga with DJ Drez! For motivation, we have an in depth interview with guru. Tony Horton about P90X/2/3, his skincare line TH Care and his new fitness method. For those that became fans of NBC's Strong (Executive Produced by Sylvester Stalone), celebrity trainer Ky Evans chats with us about his journey to being a sought after trainer, what's next for him and how he continues go after what he wants. As always, we have a number of items within beauty, fashion, style, fitness, music and contributed articles that focus on the state of work in the ongoing debate of man vs machine as well as an insightful look into Hulk Hogan and his recent battles with Gawker. 

With the official summer season well underway, we're also pleased to share that late last month, we kicked off #SUMM3RFRIDAY, weekly giveaways that you can gift to you and your friend. In addition, we have the ULTIMATE #SUMM3RFRIDAY thanks to our sponsoring partner - Palace Resorts. At the end of the summer we are giving away one 3 day/4 night all inclusive vacation (airfare and ground transportation not included) to the Moon Palace Golf & Spa Resort in Cancun Mexico. The best part of this giveaway is that you can take two of your friends with you!